Financial Success for Young Adults And Recent Graduates: Managing Money, Credit, And Your Future | 被動收入的投資秘訣 - 2024年5月

Financial Success for Young Adults And Recent Graduates: Managing Money, Credit, And Your Future

作者:Arrowood, Janet C.

There are numerous financial planning and money management handbooks, but few focus on the needs of young adults between 16 and 25 years of age. Colleges and some high schools are increasingly offering courses covering money management, but the materials are more focused on economics than the real world. Young people form a powerful group of consumers-who want what they want when they want it-but many have not been taught the value of planning and accumulation in order to reach their goals. Two of the most important aspects of good money management are the time-value of money and its associated compounding and the true concept of credit. Financial Success for Young Adults and Recent Graduates explains these issues at length, provides case studies, and also addresses: -Paying for college -Insurance -Retirement benefits -Savings and investment options -Obtaining and managing credit loans Financial Success for Young Adults and Recent Graduates: Managing Money, Credit, and Your Future is invaluable to students, parents, teachers, and financial advisors.

Janet C. Arrowood develops training materials for financial advisors and has previously worked as a financial advisor. She is the author of numerous financial and educational books and articles for both investors and professional advisors.
