Gordon Choi’’s Analytics Book: www.analyticsbook.org | 被動收入的投資秘訣 - 2024年7月

Gordon Choi’’s Analytics Book: www.analyticsbook.org

作者:Choi, Gordon Wt

The book focuses on several topics: 1. Analytics - Web Analytics & Mobile Web Analytics, 2. Google Analytics - Many practical examples of analytics have been demonstrated through the use of Google Analytics, 3. Open Source Analytics - Get your analytics knowledge up a notch by practically implementing open source analytics tools, 4. Web Server Log Analytics - The ancestor of website's analytics, 5. The Common Definitions of Analytics Metrics & Dimensions, 6. Getting the Skills to become an Analyst.

Gordon Choi is the founder of www.folksanalytics.com and www.analyticsbook.org, and has written 3 books including the China Mobile SEO and Mobile Website Book. Gordon is a developer who creates mobile apps and websites. Gordon has previously reviewed & implemented 100+ Google Analytics & open source analytics accounts for clients.
