一句話說出美國范兒:老美常用生活英語 | 被動收入的投資秘訣 - 2024年7月




前言Chapter 1 日常起居 Sentence 1 起床啦!太陽曬屁股啦!——早晨起床的地道英文 Rise and shine! Sentence 2「瞎混」用英語怎麼說?——平時這樣打招呼 Just hanging in there. Sentence 3准備好出門了嗎?——准備出門 I’’m leaving. Sentence 4全家總動員!——家務事這樣說最地道 You do the door,and I do the window. Sentence 5做強大的「自己動手女」——家庭故障英文 She is a strong do.it.herselfer. Sentence 6我是月光族——用英語聊財務狀況 I’’m a moonlight clan. Sentence 7 家是強大的后盾——家人之間最常用的英文 Home is your strong backing. Sentence 8今天忙得四腳朝天!——談談一天的感受 I’’m up to my neck in work. Sentence 9晚上又要開夜車了!——睡前准備和晚安問候 1 will pull an all—nighter.Chapter 2 娛樂生活 Sentence 1 蘿卜青菜各有所愛!——談論興趣愛好 Every man has his hobbyhorse. Sentence 2 我的閑暇周末!——假期周末活動地道英語 Have any plans for the weekend? Sentence 3討人厭的「劇透黨」!——地道美語聊影視劇 You’’re a masty spoiler. Sentence 4 麥霸一枚?——KTV里的英文表達 I am a microphone—hog. Sentence 5 High翻派對——派對夜店必備英文 You are a party pooper. Sentence 6 購物狂的自白——購物英語輕松學 Buy one and get one free? Sentence 7 網蟲的線上生活——網絡英文 You are such a mouse potato.Chapter 3 最in話題 Sentence 1 對號入座.你是哪一族?——新鮮族群英文流利說 They belong to the flash marriage group. Sentence 2你來自哪顆星?——用英語暢聊星座 He’’S a typical Taurus. Sentence 3 「土豪」.我們做朋友吧!——網絡新詞大搜羅 Beverly Hillbillies,let’’S be~iends! Sentence 4八卦聊不完——英文暢聊八卦 You’’re such a gossip! Sentence 5 喵星人還是汪星人?——聊聊你的萌寵 1 walk the dog every day. Sentence 6你是「自拍狂」嗎?——拍照英語一網打盡 She’’S selfie—addicted.Chapter 4 時尚世界 Sentence 1 時尚潮人的必備單品——用英語聊時尚 Skinny jeans is a must—have. Sentence 2今天你睡美容覺嗎?——護膚保養的那些英文 I must get my beauty sleep. Sentence 3素面朝天?還是彩妝達人?——彩妝的英語表達 She is always getting a make—under. Sentence 4完美變身!——英文暢談整形風 1 want to get a nose job. Sentence 5從頭發武裝到指甲——用英語聊美甲美發 1 want to get manicures.Chapter 5 浪漫愛情 Sentence 1 3S lady的單身生活——單身英文這樣說 I am a 3S lady. Sentence 2 曖昧搭訕——看老美如何用英語搭訕 Let me chat her up. Sentence 3你們來電嗎?——看戀愛高手說英文 They are clicking. Sentence 4熱戀情侶說英文——甜言蜜語英文這麼說 They are two peas in a pod. Sentence 5嫁人豪門?——從求婚到結婚英文這樣說 She wants to marry into the purple. Sentence 6 當愛情遭遇挑戰——教你用英文流利撂狠話 Her husband is a two—timer. 82 Sentence 7分手?復合?——用英文說戀愛中的分分合合 He remarried his ex—wife. Sentence 8「孕婦裝」英語怎麼說?——准爸爸准媽媽的必備 英文Where are the maternitv clothes?Chapter 6 舌尖上的美食 Sentence 1 吃貨的美食誘惑——美食英文專供 You are a totally foodaholic. Sentence 2牛排幾分熟?——西式美食英文這樣說 I’’d like my steak medium well. Sentence 3舌尖上的中國——中餐英文流利說 A bite of China. Sentence 4下館子嘍!——餐廳英文這樣說 Let’’S eat out. Sentence 5 人人都有拿手菜——烹飪英語大搜羅 What’’s your signature dish? Sentence 6飯煳了?切手了?——烹飪應急英語 I smell something burning.Chapter 7 體育運動 Sentence 1 鐵桿球迷——最具美國范兒的體育運動 I,m a die—hard basketball fan. Sentence 2你是健身達人嗎?——健身運動英文 1 work out at the gym every day. Sentence 3你又瘦了!——減肥塑身英語 Let’’S stop this fat talk. Sentence 4有氧運動正流行——風靡美國的有氧運動 I do my cardio every day.Chapter 8 健康與體檢 Sentence 1 「流鼻涕’’’’英文怎麼說?——「身體不適」的英 文表達My nose is running. Sentence 2「掛號」英語怎麼說?——用英文求醫問診 Where do I register? Sentence 3探望病人這樣說——探病英文必備 How are you feeling today? Sentence 4『『處方藥」怎麼說?——藥店買藥英文必備 Do you have a prescription? Sentence 5全面體檢!——健康體檢說出美國范兒 I need a thorough check—up.
