財經英語趣文閱讀(高級) | 被動收入的投資秘訣 - 2024年7月


作者:夏政 主編

“大學生英語活頁文選”系列為上海外語教育出版社為大學生精心編寫的一套英語閱讀叢書。該叢書按專業劃分,每個專業包括初級、中級和高級,旨在拓寬學生的閱讀視野,並將英語學習與專業學習有機地融為一體。 《財經英語趣文閱讀(高級)》精選財經類文章30篇,供財經類大學生使用,也可供具有相當水平的經貿人員閱讀。本書兼顧知識性、專業性、文學性、趣味性和實用性,特別鮮明︰ ●權威性強,語言地道。大部分文章選自著名的財經類權威刊物,如《金融時報》、《華爾街日報》、《財富》等,使讀者能讀到真實的財經英語。 ●時代感強。所有文章都選自近年出版的刊物,內容均緊緊圍繞近幾年財經領域的熱點問題。 ●選材新穎,視點獨特。介紹了宏觀與微觀經濟學、會計學、保險學、銀行學、證券學、國際金融以及經濟法等各個領域的基本情況、背景知識、相關詞匯,使讀者對經濟社會有一個由淺漸深的了解。 ●每篇文章後都配有相應的閱讀理解和詞匯練習,供學生檢測自己的閱讀理解能力。

Passage 1 Bear Market? Some Worry That Beanies Are Ripe for a Fall Passage 2 Big Sugar Seeks Bailout, Gives Money to Help Get Way Passage 3 Vacation-Home Market Is Hot, As Prices Climb Passage 4 A Hot Potato: A Popeyes Chain Frets Over How to Handle a Minimum-pay Rise Passage 5 Microsoft Is Found to Be Predatory Monopolist Passage 6 Smog Swapping: New Rules Harness Power of Free Markets to Curb Air Pollution Passage 7 Insurance History Passage 8 Reinsurance Industry after September 11 Passage 9 Insurance ABC Passage 10 Open China﹀s Accounting Passage 11 Global Consequences of International Accounting Diversity Passage 12 The Accountant of the Future Passage 13 A Monetary Fable Passage 14 Wealth Management Forever Passage 15 Deposits Grow Despite Drop in Rates Passage 16 Know-It-Alls Passage 17 Urban Revitalization and Entrepreneurial Strategies Passage 18 Seeking Entrepreneurial Origins:Are Entrepreneurs Born or Made? Passage 19 Wall Street:A Total Eclipse in Sight Passage 20 Staying Afloat Passage 21 Brokerage Joint Venture Partners Take to the Floor Passage 22 National Treatment Principle Passage 23 China Swiftly Becomes an Exporting Colossus,Straining Western Ties Passage 24 Import Regulation & Procedures of Mainland China Passage 25 Factoring and Forfaiting Passage 26 The Asian Financial Crisis:Causes and Effects Passage 27 Money Laundering and Financial Crimes Passage 28 Intellectual Propetry for a Wired World Passage 29 Too Many Rotten Apples Passage 30 Scandals in Corporate America Key to Exercises
