Prevention: the Most Important Treatment of Heart Disease: A Companion Guide: Using Diet and Exercise to Reduce Your Risk of a H | 被動收入的投資秘訣 - 2024年7月

Prevention: the Most Important Treatment of Heart Disease: A Companion Guide: Using Diet and Exercise to Reduce Your Risk of a H

作者:Yamada, Gregg M., M.d.

With so many excellent books about cardiac prevention already available, why is heart disease still the number-one killer of men and women? Despite dozens of proven diet and exercise programs available, why are most people overweight? Why aren't we doing a better job preventing heart disease? We know what to do, but why aren't we following through? What are we doing wrong? In Prevention: The Most Important Treatment of Heart Disease, cardiologist Dr. Gregg Yamada provides answers to these questions and shares a novel perspective, using diet and exercise, that may help you reduce your risk of heart disease. Describing prevention as a treatment is not a play on words. The most important treatment of any medical condition is to keep it from occurring in the first place. In order to do a better job at preventing heart disease, both patients and doctors must completely change their approach to heart disease. Prevention (lowering blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugar; losing weight through diet and exercise) must be viewed as an actual treatment of heart disease, no different from medications, a heart bypass, or an angioplasty. In other words, controlling your blood pressure and lowering your cholesterol (prevention) is just as important as having an angioplasty (treatment). Losing weight and controlling your diabetes (prevention) is equally as important as bypass surgery (treatment). Prevention is the most important treatment of heart disease
