


作者:Tang, Lee

Get Access to the Best Trading Strategy Available today Here is a simple and reliable method to make money in the stock, ETF, futures, and forex markets without quitting your day job.This book offe...

作者:Boon, Casey

Discover the Fundamentals of Trading in Any Market The frustration involved in trying to decide the best way to start a trading career, can be enough to turn anyone off.Which system do you use?How ...


正在席卷投資市場的變革之一是 ETF 的迅速發展。與一般的指數基金相比, ETF 有着交易費用低等眾多優勢,但 ETF 仍是相對較新的一種投資工具,所以很多投資者都尚在學習中。從全球投資市場來看, ETF 未來的投資前景將更加廣闊。 特許金融分析師斯科特在本書中重點闡述了:成功投資 ETF 所需的重要基礎知識;ETF 的不同類型;如何運用 ETF 構建一個長期獲利的投資組合;如何管理 ...

作者:Bakht, Ashbee a.

An ETF or exchange traded fund is a marketable security that closely tracks a basket of assets like commodities or equities. The advantage to trading ETFs is diversification of an index, along with...

作者:Abner, David J.

Professional-level guidance on effectively trading ETFs in markets around the worldThe ETF Handbook is a comprehensive handbook for using Exchange Traded Funds, designed specifically for institutio...



