
作者:J.J. 亞伯拉罕道格‧道斯特

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作者:Nelson, Marilyn

Marilyn Nelson is the author of The Fields Of Praise: New And Selected Poems, which won the Poets’ Prize, Carver: A Life In Poems, recipient of the Boston Globe/Horn Book Award and the Bank Street ...

作者:Robbins, Christopher

Christopher Robbins is the founder and president of Familius and the cofounder of Hummingbird Digital Media. He is married to his Familius partner and acquisitions editor, Michele Robbins, and they...

作者:Kiehl, J. a.

作者:Kiehl, J. a.

作者:Kiehl, J. a.

作者:Jain, Romi

Romi Jain is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Faculty of Management, University of British Columbia, and Executive Editor, Indian Journal of Asian Affairs. A China expert, she won the competitive fe...

作者:Marsh, Alec

Alec Marsh is Professor of English at Muhlenberg College, Pennsylvania, USA. He is the author of John Kasper and Ezra Pound (Bloomsbury, 2015), and Money & Modernity: Pound, Williams and the Spirit...

作者:Burkhart, David

A highly illustrated guide to craft beer from America's oldest and most iconic craft brewery, featuring a history of American brewing traditions and clone beer recipes for Anchor's top brews includ...

