【問題】jab hook?推薦回答


近100則社群貼文案例分析,一本完全精通發文、選圖技巧!   本書剖析近百個真實案例,徹底揭開在社群平台發布完美圖文訊息的關鍵,   讓你的貼文馬上變得吸睛、獲得瘋狂轉載,更能創造真實獲利!   ★全面攻占Amazon網路書店排行榜★   網路行銷類No. 1、電子商務類No. 2、商業與管理類No. 3   ★Amazon網路書店讀者4.7顆星瘋狂好評★   許多公司在社群媒體上不斷...

作者:Selter, P.

Build Strength, Agility, Discipline & Coordination With These Killer Boxing Workouts By The Author Of The Original 'Cross Training WOD Bible' An International #1 Amazon Best Seller Let me ask you...

作者:Morris, Dick/ McGann, Eileen

New York Times BestsellerAT STAKE: THE FUTURE OF AMERICAThe 2016 election is truly America's Armageddon--the ultimate and decisive battle to save America, a fight to defeat Hillary Clinton and the ...

作者:United States Marine Corps

The complete manual to the fighting system of the United States Marine Corps.The Marine Corps Martial Arts Program (MCMAP) was designed as a synergy of mental, character, and physical disciplines w...

作者:Walter, Ekaterina/ Gioglio, Jessica

Attention is the new commodity. Visual Storytelling is the new currency. Human brain processes visuals 60,000x faster than text. Web posts with visuals drive up to 180% more engagement than those w...

作者:Vaynerchuk, Gary

 網路行銷大混戰,學會致勝的那記右鉤拳!      紐約時報暢銷作家蓋瑞.范納洽上次在《衝了!:熱血玩出大生意》中教大家如何善用網路工具和消費者搏感情、賺現金,引起熱烈迴響,新書《Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook》更提出行銷如戰場,利用社群媒體與顧客有效溝通的金科玉律在這裡!      行銷人規劃社群媒體策略時,為了達到新的銷售目標,就像拳擊賽中的選手一樣,花了大把時間精...

作者:Foley, Dennis

Fiction. In THE BLUE CIRCUS, award-winning author Dennis Foley offers a wild romp through assorted Chicago neighborhoods, dive bars, shady political deals and more that only an insider can tell. In...


  臉書、推特、Instagram、Pinterest、Tumblr、YouTube、SlideShare、Vine……   視覺社群平臺百花齊放,現在就動手!以最低成本,抓住最多潛在客戶的目光!   注意力是新時代的兵家必爭之地,視覺故事則是新時代的價值來源。   你知道嗎?   •人腦處理視覺元素的速度比處理文字快 60,000 倍。   •含有視覺元素的網路文章,吸引的深度互動比...

作者:Zizek, Slavoj

The leading philosopher of our time tackles the demise of liberalism, from the tragedy of 9/11 to the farce of the financial meltdown.Billions of dollars were hastily poured into the global banking...

