
作者:Geller, Mike,Keenan, Rolly,Starr, Brandi


業績突破1億美金的奧秘,來自找到你的關鍵客戶。 否則銷售技巧再厲害,接不到案子也無用武之地! 以可重複使用的商機開發方案,讓銷售團隊不再亂槍打鳥、做白工, 輕鬆達成業績三倍跳!   人人都希望能夠獲取穩定、可預設的營收與業績,但你是否每個月打了幾百通電話、寄電郵推銷,甚至約訪做簡報,可是客戶始終不買帳?這不是你不努力,而是你努力的方式錯了!現代的業務開發方式首重「系統化」,從發掘商機...

作者:Revenue Service, Internal

作者:Revenue Service, Internal

作者:Fritzen, Martin

Martin knows all about success in esports. He founded what is now one of the biggest esports organizations in Scandinavia with several teams and coaches, as well as hundreds of paying members and p...

作者:Keen, Michael,Slemrod, Joel

Michael Keen is deputy director of the Fiscal Affairs Department at the International Monetary Fund, where he was previously head of the Tax Policy Division. Joel Slemrod is professor of economics ...
