【問題】Net trade cycle 中文?推薦回答

作者:Cheong, Weng Eang

This study eschews the uncritical acceptance of secondary sources that has characterized studies in this field, going back to and reinterpreting previously neglected primary sources, thereby enabli...

作者:Ursinus, Lothar

Lothar Ursinus has been a naturopath for over 30 years. He is known for developing his own method of analysis that interprets results from laboratories not only on a scientific level but also on a ...

作者:Wang, Z.

Zhuoyi Wang is Assistant Professor in the Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures at Hamilton College, USA.

作者:Cushman, Jennifer Wayne

Methodical and inquisitive, Cushman explores Chinese junk trade with Siam over two centuries. In the course of her analysis, the author illuminates significant aspects of China's economic developme...

作者:Wang, Zhuoyi

A comprehensive history of how the conflicts and balances of power in the Maoist revolutionary campaigns from 1951 to 1979 complicated and diversified the meanings of films, this book offers a disc...

作者:Reardon, Lawrence C.

Chinese foreign economic policy before 1978 has been considered isolationist and centered on Maoist self-reliance. In this revisionist analysis, the author argues that the dramatic economic reforms...

作者:Jagchid, Sechin/ Symons, Van Jay

In 1577, during a great court debate over the formulation of china's policy toward its nomadic neighbors, the Ming scholar-official Feng Feng-shih observed: "When there are markets and tribute, the...

作者:Gungwu, Wang,Wang, Gungwu


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