【問題】宏泰 NHS?推薦回答


Adam Kay is a former junior doctor, now one of the country’s best-selling authors. His books This is Going to Hurt and Twas the Nightshift Before Christmas have sold millions of copies worldwide, a...

作者:Campbell, Maggie

Margaret Campbell grew up in Manchester at a time when the city was still on its knees, post-war. She can just about remember the end of rationing! After decades of working as a seamstress in facto...


  富過三代,顯赫一時──何福堂、何啟家族書寫的香港傳奇   走在時代浪尖的風光與跌宕     在香港歷史上,能富過三代、顯赫一時的家族不少,但能憑宗教、政治網絡與資本崛起壯大,家族成員又曾在不同層面取得多個第一的,唯何福堂家族而已:     l 第一位香港華人牧師   l 第一位香港華人立法局議員   l 第一位不靠科舉出任滿清高官的香港人   l 第一位同時擁有律師及醫生資格的香港人  ...

作者:Canty, Laura

Laura Canty was diagnosed with acute postpartum depression and was admitted to the Barberry National Centre for Mental Illness mother and baby unit in August 2018. She and her baby Arthur lived the...

作者:Cohen, Susan

Susan Cohen is an historian with a wide interest in twentieth-century British social history. She has written and lectured widely on a variety of subjects and her books for Shire include The Midwif...

作者:Thompson, Andy

