Way Down on the High Lonely: Library Edition | 被動收入的投資秘訣 - 2024年6月

Way Down on the High Lonely: Library Edition

作者:Winslow, Don/ Barrett, Joe (NRT)

From domestic war to barroom brawls, grad-student-turned-PI Neal Carey's got more than studying on his plate.Neal Carey's three-year confinement in a Chinese monastery is finally over, but his troubles are just beginning. The elusive financial benefactors who have bought his freedom expect a return on their investment. They want him to find Cody McCall, a two-year-old boy recently abducted by his father in a bitter Hollywood custody battle, a task that will propel Neal from the glittering Hollywood hills to the remote wilds of Nevada.To find Cody, Neal has to turn outlaw in a land of two-bit casinos and roadside cathouses to infiltrate a vicious white supremacist group spouting hatred and dealing in terror. But the deeper undercover he goes, the deadlier the game becomes. Now Neal must force a showdown with the group's crazed leader and find Cody before the missing toddler ends up lost in a world of unspeakable evil.
