Play Googles Game: 101 Easy tips to optimize your website for higher Google search results! | 被動收入的投資秘訣 - 2024年7月

Play Googles Game: 101 Easy tips to optimize your website for higher Google search results!

作者:Bright, Greg

You Can Be Found - Everyone Has Equal Opportunity - It's Not Rocket Science Are you ready to get found on Google, Facebook, Mobile Phones, and more? These are exciting times to be marketing and growing our businesses on the internet and we're going to show you how to win by Playing Google's Game You can do it yourself... or use it like a reference book to arm yourself with enough information to find the best website designer for your business. The knowledge you gain here will allow you to join conversations and participate with the professionals that you hire to support your internet marketing strategy. My first book written in 2008, Get Top Ranking On Google...., was born from notes to friends and colleagues-sharing simple tips and techniques that I had learned from the SEO School of Hard Knocks-while bootstrapping my patented products on a very tight budget. By tight budget - I mean free. Unfortunately I had spent all of my money setting up manufacturing and had nothing left for marketing. Big mistake However, it taught me how to use these free internet platforms, like Google Search, to grow my business. Everything I talk about in this book is Free While there are many new concepts in this book, all of the tips in my first book are still valid - even surviving all of the latest changes Google has made to their rules. In fact, if people would have followed the advice in my first book, they would not have been penalized by Google's latest updates. How is that possible? Because I don't chase the latest fads. I stick to the fundamentals. Google has not changed their fundamental mission to provide the best quality websites to their searchers. The only thing that has changed is how they identify which websites are quality and which ones are not. The book you have in your hand today draws from 25 years of business consulting; learning from my successes and challenges - from my business, students, clients, readers, partners, friends, and colleagues. Through them, I continually gather intelligence for my own businesses and for you. I'm happy to share these secrets with you in this book and on the blog. There are quite a number of books written on this subject by techies and programmers - for other techies and programmers. My objective is to bring simple, easy to understand tips to the average business leader, using layman's terms versus technical jargon. Most importantly, I saw a need to explain internet marketing from a business perspective - using real world examples. My goal is not to turn my readers or students into website designers. We all have businesses to run, right? The goal is to give you enough information so that you can find a good website designer and internet marketer. Once you find a good website designer, you will be able to have a meaningful two-way conversation with them, so you can participate in building a website that is suitable for growing your business. How could anyone design a good website for you without your active participation? No one knows your business like you do. I have seen far too many times where the business owner did not participate and ended up with a "cookie cutter" website that had little to do with their business growth plans - after all, you are the expert in your field, right? Once your website is set up properly, you or your staff will be able to continue to create the new and interesting content that Google rewards. My wish is for you is that you gain enough knowledge from this book to enable you to hire the best website designer or internet marketer your budget will allow, and to give you the skills to boost your online business growth. Most good internet marketing companies and website designers appreciate an educated client. After all, you know your business best, and they would want to see you succeed. Enjoy I wish you fun and prosperity online Greg

Greg Bright The CEO of SEO Greg Bright is a manufacturer, patent holder, author, and instructor on internet marketing. He is driving phenomenal growth to his businesses by applying the techniques he teaches. He believes the internet is absolutely our best marketing tool-increasing in importance every day as new generations of buyers and sellers enter the economy. Young buyers don’t remember life before the internet and seasoned buyers are changing their habits. Greg was an early internet adopter, in the 80s and 90s, when he invented and patented a laptop stand. He learned how to bring products to market quickly and efficiently utilizing the free search listings on Google and other search engines. He went on to write a book on Search Engine Optimization (SEO), developed multiple #1 ranking websites, and became a speaker and adjunct instructor at The University of Texas at Austin, teaching other entrepreneurs how to win at SEO using real world examples from his own businesses. Today, Greg manufactures his own products and represents other manufacturers in metal fabrication, focusing most of his attention on the energy sector. The oil & gas industry is a market that you might think is internet-averse. However, Greg drives 90% of his new business through internet marketing by focusing on SEO and leveraging adjacent tools such as Facebook, YouTube, and Image Search. Greg has been able to drive over 12,000 fans to his Facebook pages by following simple rules of internet marketing. As opposed to traditional advertising where sellers pursue potential customers, the internet is a place where customers actively search for sellers. It’s accessible 24-7 from a device that fits in everyone’s pocket. Greg’s central question is this: "Will buyers find you or your competitors first?" This new book features lessons learned from the thousands of businesses Greg has helped online - Greg wants to help you be found. @TheCEOofSEO LinkedIn - GregBright [email protected]
