The Man Who Solved the Market: How Jim Simons Launched the Quant Revolution | 被動收入的投資秘訣 - 2024年7月

The Man Who Solved the Market: How Jim Simons Launched the Quant Revolution

作者:Gregory Zuckerman


  身價達200億美金 股神巴菲特都望塵莫及
  致富祕辛與人生起落 由資深華爾街調查記者古格里.佐克曼Gregory Zuckerman告訴你

  無庸置疑,詹姆斯.西蒙斯James (Jim) Simons可以說是當代致富奇才,連股神巴菲特、富達公司副主席彼得.林區、橋水基金創始人雷.達里歐、交易界的麥可.喬丹史蒂文.寇恩,乃至名列美國400富豪榜內的喬治.索羅斯,都難以企及。而他究竟如何作到的?也是眾人一直感到好奇的疑問。




  身價達200億美金 股神巴菲特都望塵莫及
  致富祕辛與人生起落 由資深華爾街調查記者古格里.佐克曼Gregory Zuckerman告訴你
  無庸置疑,詹姆斯.西蒙斯James (Jim) Simons可以說是當代致富奇才,連股神巴菲特、富達公司副主席彼得.林區、橋水基金創始人雷.達里歐、交易界的麥可.喬丹史蒂文.寇恩,乃至名列美國400富豪榜內的喬治.索羅斯,都難以企及。而他究竟如何作到的?也是眾人一直感到好奇的疑問。
  Shortlisted for the 2019 Financial Times and McKinsey Business Book of the Year Award
  Bestselling author and veteran Wall Street Journal reporter Gregory Zuckerman answers the question investors have been asking for decades: How did Jim Simons do it?
  Jim Simons is the greatest money maker in modern financial history. His track record bests those of legendary investors including Warren Buffett, Peter Lynch, Ray Dalio, and George Soros. Yet Simons and his strategies are shrouded in mystery. Wall Street insiders have long craved a view into Simons’s singular mind, as well as the definitive account of how his secretive hedge fund, Renaissance Technologies, came to dominate financial markets. Bestselling author and Wall Street Journal reporter Gregory Zuckerman delivers the goods.
  After a legendary career as a mathematician at MIT and Harvard, and a stint breaking Soviet code for the U.S. government, Simons set out to conquer financial markets with a radical approach. He hired mathematicians, physicists, and computer scientists, most of whom knew little about finance. Experts scoffed as Simons built Renaissance Technologies from a dreary Long Island strip mall. He amassed piles of data and developed algorithms to hunt for deeply hidden patterns in the numbers—patterns that reveal rules governing all markets.
  Simons and his colleagues became some of the richest individuals in the world and their data-driven approach launched a quantitative revolution on Wall Street. They also anticipated dramatic shifts in society. Eventually, governments, sports teams, hospitals, and businesses in almost every industry embraced Simons’s methods.
  Simons and his team used their newfound wealth to upend society. Simons has become a major influence in scientific research, education, and politics, while senior executive Robert Mercer is more responsible than anyone else for Donald Trump’s victorious presidential campaign. The Renaissance team’s models didn’t prepare executives for the ensuing backlash.
  The Man Who Solved the Market is the dramatic story of how Jim Simons and a group of unlikely mathematicians remade Wall Street and transformed the world.

Gregory Zuckerman

  Gregory Zuckerman is the author of The Greatest Trade Ever and The Frackers, and is a Special Writer at the Wall Street Journal. At the Journal, Zuckerman writes about financial firms, personalities and trades, as well as hedge funds and other investing and business topics. He’s a three-time winner of the Gerald Loeb award, the highest honor in business journalism. Zuckerman also appears regularly on CNBC, Fox Business and other networks and radio stations around the globe.
