The Next Level: What Insiders Know About Executive Success | 被動收入的投資秘訣 - 2024年7月

The Next Level: What Insiders Know About Executive Success

作者:Eblin, Scott

REVISED AND UPDATED 3RD EDITION Drawing on the secrets of a top executive coach, The Next Level is an indispensable guide to executive success, full of simple, practical, and immediately applicable insights and tools for leaders who need to get bigger and better results.For more than a decade, The Next Level has been an indispensable guide to executive success. It reads like a series of conversations with a trusted coach who has brought together a cadre of successful senior leaders to deliver a master class on executive level best practices. This practical, actionable guide to success at the executive level helps readers understand what they need to pick up and let go of to achieve the results that are expected at the next level. Along with simple and immediately applicable tools and frameworks he's road-tested with thousands of coaching clients, Eblin offers clear, practical advice reinforced by interviews and case studies from executives who know what it takes to succeed. With fresh insights throughout, this 3rd edition will help readers sustain their success over the long run with new information on how to develop a personal action plan for leading at their best by living at their best. NEW TO THIS EDITION: 1. Updated Introduction and Afterword2. New insights on leadership effectiveness gleaned by the author since the 2nd edition3. A completely revised chapter 3 with new guidance on creating a Life GPS personal action plan4. New and updated Coachable Moment tools (including the TRACK Model of Effective Delegation)5. A revised appendix with the latest approach to creating a self-directed Executive Success Plan (ESP)

Scott Eblin is president of The Eblin Group, a leadership development firm committed to helping executives lead and live at their best. As a recognized expert on leadership, global speaker, best-selling author, and executive coach, Scott works with many of the world’s best-known companies and organizations. Eblin is an honors graduate of Davidson College and holds a master’s degree in public administration from Harvard University. He has a certificate in leadership coaching from Georgetown University and was a 10 year faculty member of that program. He is also a Registered Yoga Teacher.
