2014 Annual Report of Health Promotion Administration(國民健康署年報2014英文版)[附光碟] | 被動收入的投資秘訣 - 2024年6月

2014 Annual Report of Health Promotion Administration(國民健康署年報2014英文版)[附光碟]


  Health Promotion Administration is formerly known as Bureau of Health promotion, Department of Health, its history goes back when the Department of Health Care, the Institute of Family Planning, Institute of Public Health and Institute of Maternal and Child Health were merged and became the “Bureau of Health Promotion” on July 12, 2001, responsible for health promotion and non-communicable disease prevention work. In accordance with the government organizational restructure, Bureau of Health promotion became Health Promotion Administration in July 23rd 2013.

  It holds greater responsibility, and the spirit of “prevention is better than cure.” We reinforce preventive medicine and community health, especially in response to the change of population structure, and more closely integrate social welfare and cross-department resources. The Health Promotion Administration, or HPA, provides comprehensive health promotion services from the womb to tomb, for the health promotion from families to communities. The goal is to prolong healthy expectancy, reduce health inequality, so the citizens can live longer and better regardless of wealth, region, gender, and ethnic group.
