爐內傳熱理論與計算(英文) | 被動收入的投資秘訣 - 2024年7月



本書簡明而系統地闡述了爐內傳熱的基本原理、計算方法。全書共分七章,包括輻射換熱的基本理論與計算,層燃爐、室燃爐和循環床鍋爐的爐膛傳熱計算方法,鍋爐熱力計算方法以及積灰、結渣對爐膛傳熱的影響等內容。本書作為銜接基礎課傳熱學和鍋爐課程設計之間的教材,對從基礎理論到工程實際的處理方法給予了充分的重視。結合實際的工程案例,提供了完整的爐膛傳熱和熱力計算的實例,並結合最新的研究進展系統介紹了氣固兩相流的傳熱和循環流化床鍋爐的傳熱計算。本書可作為高等學校熱能工程類專業的高年級本科生教材或教學參考書,也可供相關專業工程技術人員參考。張衍國,教授、博導,《工業加熱》編委,全國第四屆「發明獎」榮獲者。長期致力於劣質燃料的燃燒、余熱利用、固體燃料的熱轉化等技術的開發和應用及節能改造等技術服務,並及時跟蹤前沿課題,開發高爐渣干法粒化技術、可燃固體廢棄物超臨界熱處理、生物質碳化、固體燃料微型熱發電等技術。同時還致力於研究各種低品位燃料燃燒及熱轉化過程中的化學反應規律、物流組織和污染控制等。主持並參加了多項973、自然科學基金、科技重大專項和省校合作課題,承擔數十項企業研發、應用課題。出版專著《垃圾清潔焚燒發電技術》、《爐內傳熱原理與計算》和《Theory and Calculation of Heat Transfer in Furnaces》,發表文章百余篇,其中SCI 30余篇、EI收錄 60余篇,獲授權發明專利30余項。

Foreword vPreface viiSymbols ix1.Theoretical Foundation and Basic Properties of Thermal Radiation1.1.Thermal Radiation Theory—Planck』s Law 31.2.Emissive Power and Radiation Characteristics 61.2.1.Description of Radiant Energy 61.2.2.Physical Radiation Characteristics 91.2.3.Monochromatic and Directional Radiation 111.3.Basic Laws of Thermal Radiation 121.3.1.Planck』s Law and Corollaries 121.3.2.Lambert』s Law 151.3.3.Kirchhoff』s Law 161.4.Radiativity of Solid Surfaces 171.4.1.Difference Between Real Surfaces and Blackbody Surfaces 171.4.2.Graybody 191.4.3.Diffuse Surfaces 191.5.Thermal Radiation Energy 211.5.1.Thermal Radiation Forms 211.5.2.Radiosity 221.6.Radiative Geometric Con.guration Factors 241.6.1.De.nition of the Con.guration Factor 241.6.2.Con.guration Factor Properties 271.6.3.Con.guration Factor Calculation 291.7.Simpli.ed Treatment of Radiative Heat Exchange in Engineering Calculations 411.7.1.Simpli.cation Treatment of Radiation Heat Transfer in Common Engineering Calculations 411.7.2.Discussion on Simpli.ed Conditions 412.Emission and Absorption of Thermal Radiation2.1.Emission and Absorption Mechanisms 462.1.1.Molecular Spectrum Characteristics 462.1.2.Absorption and Radiation of Media 472.2.Radiativity of Absorbing and Scattering Media 492.2.1.Absorbing and Scattering Characteristics of Media 492.3.Scattering 502.4.Absorption and Scattering of Flue Gas 502.4.1.Radiation Intensity Characteristics 502.4.2.Exchange and Conservation of Radiant Energy 542.4.3.Mean Beam Length, Absorptivity, and Emissivity of Media 592.4.4.Gas Absorptivity and Emissivity 652.4.5.Flue Gas and Flame Emissivity 713.Radiation Heat Exchange Between Isothermal Surfaces3.1.Radiative Heat Exchange Between Surfaces in Transparent Media 763.1.1.Radiative Heat Transfer of a Closed System Composed of Two Surfaces 763.1.2.Radiation Transfer of a Closed System Composed of Multiple Surfaces 803.1.3.Hole Radiative Heat Transfer 823.1.4.Radiative Heat Transfer of Hot Surface, Water Wall, and Furnace Wall 863.2.Radiative Heat Exchange Between an Isothermal Medium and a Surface 883.2.1.Heat Transfer Between a Medium and a Heating Surface 893.2.2.Heat Transfer Between a Medium and a Furnace 903.2.3.Calculating Radiative Heat Transfer According to Projected Heat 933.3.Radiative Heat Exchange Between a Flue Gas and a Heating Surface with Convection 954.Heat Transfer in Fluidized Beds4.1.Fundamental Concepts of Fluidized Beds 1014.1.1.De.nition and Characteristics of Fluidized Beds 1014.1.2.Basic CFB Boiler Structure 1034.1.3.Different Types of CFB Boilers 1054.1.4.CFB Boiler Characteristics 1074.2.Convective Heat Transfer in Gas–Solid Flow 1124.2.1.Two—Phase Flow Heat Transfer Mechanism 1144.2.2.Factors Impacting Two—Phase Heat Transfer 1144.2.3.Two—Phase Flow Convective Heat Transfer 1184.3.Radiative Heat Transfer in Gas–Solid Flow 1224.4.Heat Transfer Calculation in a Circulating Fluidized Bed 1244.4.1.In.uence of Heating Surface Size on Heat Transfer 1254.4.2.CFB Boiler Gas Side Heat Transfer Coef.cient 1275.Heat Transfer Calculation in Furnaces5.1.Heat Transfer in Furnaces 1325.1.1.Processes in the Furnace 1325.1.2.Classi.cation of Heat Transfer Calculation Methods 1335.1.3.Furnace Heat Transfer Calculation Equation 1345.1.4.Flame Temperature 1355.2.Heat Transfer Calculation in Suspension—Firing Furnaces 1395.2.1.Gurvich Method 1395.2.2.Calculation Method Instructions 1405.2.3.Furnace Heat Transfer Calculation Examples 1435.3.Heat Transfer Calculation in Grate Furnaces 1435.3.1.Heat Transfer Calculation in Grate Furnaces in China 1435.3.2.Heat Transfer Calculation in Grate—Firing Furnaces 1495.4.Heat Transfer Calculation in Fluidized Bed Furnaces 1525.4.1.Heat Transfer Calculation in Bubbling Fluidized Bed (BFB) Furnaces 1525.4.2.CFB Furnace Structure and Characteristics 1535.4.3.Heat Transfer Calculation in CFB Furnaces 1575.5.Heat Transfer Calculation in Back—End Heating Surfaces 1605.5.1.Basic Heat Transfer Equations 1615.5.2.Heat Transfer Coef.cient 1625.6.Thermal Calculation of the Boiler 1655.6.1.Basic De.nitions of Boiler Heating Surfaces 1655.6.2.Thermal Calculation Methods for Boilers 1695.6.3.Thermal Calculation According to Different Furnace Types 1706.Effects of Ash Deposition and Slagging on Heat Transfer6.1.Ash Deposition and Slagging Processes and Characteristics 1736.1.1.Deposition and Slagging 1736.1.2.Formation and Characteristics of Deposition and Slagging 1756.1.3.Damage of Deposition and Slagging 1786.1.4.Ash Composition 1796.2.Effects of Ash Deposition and Slagging on Heat Transfer in Furnaces 1796.2.1.Heat Transfer Characteristics and Ash Layer Calculation with Slagging 1826.2.2.Heat Transfer Calculation with Deposition and Slagging 1846.3.Effects of Ash Deposition and Slagging on Heat Transfer in Convective Heating Surfaces 1856.3.1.Effects of Severe Ash Deposition and Slagging 1856.3.2.Basic Heat Transfer Equation for Convective Heating Surfaces 1856.3.3.Coef.cients Evaluating the Ash Deposition Effect 1887.Measuring Heat Transfer in the Furnace7.1.Flame Emissivity Measurement 1947.1.1.Bichromatic Optical Pyrometer 1947.1.2.Auxiliary Radiative Resources 1967.2.Radiative Flux Measurement 1977.2.1.Conductive Radiation Heat Flux Meter 1987.2.2.Capacitive Radiation Heat Flux Meter 1997.2.3.Calorimetric Radiation Heat Flux Meter 2007.3.Two Other Types of Heat Flux Meter 2007.3.1.Heat Pipe Heat Flux Meter 2017.3.2.Measuring Local Heat Transfer Coef.cient in CFB Furnaces 202Appendix A.Common Physical Constants of Heat Radiation 205Appendix B.Common Con.guration Factor Calculation Formulas 207Appendix C.Example of Thermal Calculation of 113.89 kg/s (410 t/h) Ultra—High—Pressure, Coal—Fired Boiler 219Appendix D.Supplementary Materials 293References 323Subject Index 325
