Along Interstate-75, Volume 21: The ’’must Have’’ Guide for Your Drive to Florida | 被動收入的投資秘訣 - 2024年6月

Along Interstate-75, Volume 21: The ’’must Have’’ Guide for Your Drive to Florida

作者:Hunter, Dave

Dave loves maps, history, driving and discovering unusual stories along the way. Combined with his fondness for writing, in 1992 this led to Along Interstate-75 -- a travel & driving guide which is now in its 21st edition. It’s a must-have addition for any Midwestern snowbird family heading out for the long-distance drive to Florida, each winter. From an early age, Dave has been fascinated by history. His passion paid dividends while writing the I-75 guide. During research, he rediscovered two little known Civil War battle sites in North Georgia and found that the interstate ran right across the middle of the Union and Confederate battle lines. He also found a forgotten trail blazed in 1775 by Daniel Boone, which crosses the path of the modern I-75 in Kentucky. Other finds include a supernatural site in Tennessee where blood stains mysteriously appears every few years ... and a stone tomb in which a Floridian Spaniard was bricked up alive, in 1821. He has also flown across I-75 piloting an original 1909 Wright Brother Flyer B, from the Wright Brothers airfield, beside the interstate south of Dayton, Ohio. Dave is a credentialed member of the Society of American Travel Writers (SATW) and undergoes peer review every two years to re-qualify and maintain his professional status. He also holds media credentials with the North American Travel Journalist Association (NATJA) and International Travel Writers Alliance-UK (ITWA). Through his author and other journalistic activities, Dave has become the media go-to person when they are producing annual drive-to-Florida content; he has appeared in hundreds of newspaper articles and radio/TV guest appearances. His full biography may be found in the Canadian edition of Who’s Who. For more than fifty years, Dave and his wife Kathy, have traveled together -- both "on the road" and through life. As researcher & editor, Kathy contributes a great deal to their books ... but much prefers to remain in the background. They are also the author/researcher team behind their other travel and Driving guide, "Along Florida’s Expressways." When not seeking new stories and adventures, or updating existing material, you’ll find Dave and Kathy living with their two Burmese cats Tammy and Thomas, at their home beside Lake Ontario, or at their Southern office, researching and writing in Lakeland in Florida.
