Mineral Micro-Geochemistry Constraints on Petrogenesis and Genesis of Gold Deposit | 被動收入的投資秘訣 - 2024年6月

Mineral Micro-Geochemistry Constraints on Petrogenesis and Genesis of Gold Deposit

作者:Liang, Yayun

Dr. Yayun Liang is a lecturer at the University of Science and Technology Beijing. He graduated from China University of Geoscience, Beijing. He has been working on petrology of mafic rocks and metallogeny for a long time. In recent years, Dr. Liang has focused on studying the genesis of the Early Cretaceous mafic dykes in the ​​Jiaodong Peninsula, a large-scale gold mining area in China, and its relationship with large-scale gold mineralisation. He has obtained funding from the National Natural Science Foundation, Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, and from China Postdoctoral Science Fund. The author has published several SCI papers as the leading author in journals of petrology and mineral deposits.
