The Evolution of Eu Law | 被動收入的投資秘訣 - 2024年7月

The Evolution of Eu Law


Paul Craig is Emeritus Professor of English Law, St John’s College, Oxford. His research and writing focusses on Constitutional Law, Administrative Law, EU Law and Comparative Public Law. He has given evidence before select committees on a number of occasions and was the UK Alternate Member of theVenice Commission from 2011-2019. Gr�inne de B�rca is Florence Ellinwood Allen Professor of Law, New York University. Her research and teaching focusses primarily on European Union law, international organizations, and international human rights law. She is a co-editor of The International Journal of Constitutional Law andco-director of the Jean Monnet Center at NYU Law school, as well as Director of NYU’s Hauser Global Law Program.
