The Cloudspotter’s Guide: The Science, History, and Culture of Clouds | 被動收入的投資秘訣 - 2024年7月

The Cloudspotter’s Guide: The Science, History, and Culture of Clouds

作者:Pretor-pinney, Gavin

.作者成立的「賞雲協會」網站,獲選為英國Yahoo 2005年最佳怪奇網站
.威斯康辛大學大氣系教授 王寶貫、華視氣象主播 任立渝、北一女中地球科學老師 吳育雅 專文導讀
.東森氣象主播 俞川心、大愛氣象主播 彭啟明、彰化女中 唐國詩老師、中山女高 黃凱夫老師、台中一中 鄒東羽老師、台北麗山高中 萬義昺老師、台北成功高中 謝莉芬老師、屏東來義中學 謝隆欽老師等聯合推薦
無論是蓬蓬如棉花糖般的雲朵、纖薄如薄紗的雲層,甚至風狂雨驟的暴雨雲,總為廣闊的天空平添不同風貌。除了把天空妝點得多采多姿,雲也跟我們的生活息息 相關,你可知道孫悟空自在騰駕的是哪種雲?陰鬱到讓人得季節性憂鬱症又是什麼雲搞的鬼?魚鱗狀的雲到底像哪種魚鱗?而什麼雲會讓飛機引擎失靈、逼得飛行員 得在一萬公尺高空彈射跳機?更神奇的是,從雲的形態真的可以預測地震嗎?
從小愛看雲的作者為大力推廣雲的美好,於2004年發起「賞雲 協會」,並在眾所期待下寫出這本精采的「賞雲指南」,本書以雲的十大分類為基礎,包括積雲、積雨雲、層雲、層積雲、高積雲、高層雲、雨層雲、卷雲、卷積雲 和卷層雲,也搜羅各種奇特的雲、飛機的凝結尾、晨光雲等,就每一種雲的特色講述不同的故事。
Now in paperback: the runaway British bestseller that has cloudspotters everywhere looking up.

Where do clouds come from? Why do they look the way they do? And why have they captured the imagination of timeless artists, Romantic poets, and every kid who's ever held a crayon? Veteran journalist and lifelong sky watcher Gavin Pretor-Pinney reveals everything there is to know about clouds, from history and science to art and pop culture. Cumulus, nimbostratus, and the dramatic and surfable Morning Glory cloud are just a few of the varieties explored in this smart, witty, and eclectic tour through the skies.

Illustrated with striking photographs (including a new section in full-color) and line drawings featuring everything from classical paintings to lava lamps, The Cloudspotter's Guide will have enthusiasts, weather watchers, and the just plain curious floating on cloud nine.

Gavin Pretor-Pinney is a renowned journalist and cofounder of The Idler magazine in England. A former science nerd and a graduate of Oxford University, he has been obsessed with clouds since childhood. His writing has appeared in The Telegraph, Evening Standard, and elsewhere. Based in London and Somerset, Gavin is the founder and chair of The Cloud Appreciation Society. Visit their website at
