The 50+Dating Couples’’ Recipes for Love: A True Story of Two People Willing to Take a Chance on Bringing Love Into Their Lives and What They Cooked Up | 被動收入的投資秘訣 - 2024年7月

The 50+Dating Couples’’ Recipes for Love: A True Story of Two People Willing to Take a Chance on Bringing Love Into Their Lives and What They Cooked Up


The 50+Dating Couples' Recipes for Love is a true story about two people taking a chance on love. They met after communicating on an on line site, and shortly thereafter life took a turn. It is more than healthy heart recipes. The life threatening events they both experienced formed a bond of friendship between them which brought them to a unique love story. The book has philosophical prose as well as real time Love Tips that relate to a dating experience. If you've been living your life wondering where the years have flown, now retired or heading in that direction, raised your children, and find yourself moving from a material world to an awakened one, you may wish to read this book to encourage and bring back hope to what a relationship can be. It's a story of how two people touched hearts and took the risk of being themselves and finding true love.

Joanne Marie DeAngelis worked in the corporate environment 45 years, now retired. Active in swimming, dancing, photography and watercolor. Walks in Nature: A Wonder Book of Discovery is another book written, and would be an introduction to nature to children with poetry to relate to photographs, and American Indian poetry. The book would be a nice gift to someone in a nursery home. The author has also invented a product for children and adults. The product is called EPG or Ear Protective Goggles. There is a video about the product on you tube and will describe how it works to prevent water from entering the ears of swimmers.
