iPhone and iPad Apps for Absolute Beginners | 被動收入的投資秘訣 - 2024年7月

iPhone and iPad Apps for Absolute Beginners

作者:Lewis, Rory/ Easton, Ben (FRW)

What This Book Will Do For You Let me get this straight: you want to learn how to program for the iPhone or the iPad, and you consider yourself to be pretty intelligent--but whenever you read computer code or highly technical instructions, your brain seems to shut down. Do your eyes glaze over when reading gnarly instructions? Does a little voice in your head chide you, "How about that Your brain shut down six lines ago, but you're still scanning the page--pretending you're not as dense as you feel. Great " See if you can relate to this...you're having an issue with something pretty technical and you decide to Google it and troubleshoot the problem. You open the top hit--and somebody else has asked the exact same question You become excited as the page loads, but, alas, it's only a bulletin board (a chat site for all those geeks who yap at one another in unintelligible code). You see your question followed by...but it's too late Your brain has already shut down, and you feel the tension and frustration as knots in your belly. Sound familiar? Yes? Then this book's for you My guess is that you're probably standing in a bookstore or in the airport, checking out a magazine stand for something that might excite. Because you're reading this in some such upscale place, you can probably afford an iPhone, a Mac, a car, and plane tickets.

Rory Lewis is assistant professor of computer science at the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs. He is often mistaken for a hippie, wearing Dead-head shirts and walking aimlessly around the campus. He is often described as the guy in the office where students are always lined up outside. He is often heralded as the dude that will explain your math and computer code, even when he first checks and sees you ve done 800 tweets and 2,700 Facebook comments while you should have been in class! He is described by his adult daughters as a dad that was once a successful microprocessor litigation lawyer in Palo Alto, but couldn t resist his dorkiness and went back to school to become a doctor of geekdom!
