Protect Your Breasts: Freeze and Cure Your Breast Cancer with Cryoablation Reduce Your Risk or Reoccurrence | 被動收入的投資秘訣 - 2024年7月

Protect Your Breasts: Freeze and Cure Your Breast Cancer with Cryoablation Reduce Your Risk or Reoccurrence

作者:Edstrom Fnp M. Ed, Ingrid

Ingrid L. Edstrom, CFNP, M.Ed., CTT Profile: - President and author, Protect Your Breasts and Proactive Breast Wellness, LLC - Established four medical business ventures - Nationally certified Family Nurse Practitioner, BSN, M.Ed. - Nationally certified Clinical Infrared Thermography Technician, CTT since 2006 - Long-term experience in Mind-Body and Preventive Medicine - Extensive health teaching background with a Masters in Health Education - Skilled in business and community networking - Committed to bringing breast cryoablation to the Pacific Northwest - Thought leader in the prevention of breast cancer Ingrid L. Edstrom is a nationally certified Family Nurse Practitioner since 1978, with an additional Masters in Health Education from Boston University. As a Holistic Nurse Practitioner, she has done extensive patient teaching in regards to medical issues, disease and prevention. Lifestyle, nutritional counseling and bio-identical hormone replacement have been a focus of the practice. She has long-term experience in Mind-Body and Preventive Medicine and completed clinical training programs at the Mind Body Medical Institute at Harvard and the Beth Israel Hospital under Dr Herbert Benson, MD. She was invited to present her research to 200 physicians and researchers at the 5th International Cancer Forum on Cryoablation and Stem Cell Research held at the Fuda Cancer Hospital in China in July 2016. Infrared thermography images of a woman pre and post cryoablation were presented as well as the "Early Freeze" protocol. She would like to see that women with "suspicious findings" on breast structural studies and abnormal thermograms just have the mass frozen and then follow the women over time. This has been the standard of care for 40 years for freezing cervical "suspicious findings" on Pap smears. Those women are not being treated for cervical cancer, just suspicious findings on her Pap smear. Why can’t this cryoablation be made available to women for their breasts? Prevention IS the Cure !
