The Little Book of Silver Linings: Find the Joy Hidden in the Toughest Times | 被動收入的投資秘訣 - 2024年7月

The Little Book of Silver Linings: Find the Joy Hidden in the Toughest Times

作者:Banyes, Sky

Sky Banyes has always loved art, but it began to take on new meaning for her at her therapist’s prompting. It became an expressive outlet to work through grief and trauma and a spark to see beauty and possibility in each day. Now, through courageous sharing on Instagram, Sky’s authentic illustrations and words that explore the art of being human have created a community of hope, growth, and uplifting humor with more than 77,000 followers. You can follow her journey on life’s roller-coaster toward healing and happiness @skybanyes. Beyond her creative work, Sky also searches for answers as a physicist engineer, for which she holds a PhD. Her endless "J’adore" list features sunshine, Greek beaches, books, and cooking with her husband in Paris.
