Walking Miracle: A Vision for Asia, A Prayer for Healing | 被動收入的投資秘訣 - 2024年6月

Walking Miracle: A Vision for Asia, A Prayer for Healing

作者:Sanborn, Art

Knowing that the Holy Spirit is actively involved in the lives of believers today, just as he was two thousand years ago, missionaries Art and Ellen Sanborn arrived on the Asian Mission field confident in the power of Jesus - even when surrounded by danger and uncertainty. Years later, after serving in Southeast Asia and beyond, Art would rely on the truth of Jesus' power in a new way when doctors told him that he might never walk again. Though he had broken his neck and partially severed his spinal cord in a freak surfing accident, Art did walk again. His epic journey - from the mission field to the miracle that put him back on his feet - speaks to a life of faith in every circumstance.
