Intellectual Property and Financing Strategies for Technology Startups | 被動收入的投資秘訣 - 2024年6月

Intellectual Property and Financing Strategies for Technology Startups

作者:Halt, Gerald B., Jr./ Donch, John C., Jr./ Stiles, Amber R./ Fesnak, Robert

This book offers a comprehensive, easy to understand guide for startup entities and developing companies, providing insight on the various sources of funding that are available, how these funding sources are useful at each stage of a company's development, and offers a comprehensive intellectual property strategy that parallels each stage of development. The IP strategies offered in this book take into consideration the goals that most startups and companies have at each stage of development, as well as the limitations that exist at each stage (i.e., limited available resources earmarked for intellectual property asset development), and provides solutions that startups and companies can implement to maximize their return on intellectual property investments. This book also includes a number of descriptive examples, case studies and scenarios to illustrate the topics discussed, and is intended for use by startups and companies across all industries. Readers will garner an appreciation for the value that intellectual property rights provide to a startup entity or company and will gain an understanding of the types of intellectual property rights that are available to companies and how to procure, utilize and monetize those intellectual property rights to help their company grow.

Gerald B. Halt, Jr. is a Patent Attorney, shareholder and President at Volpe & Koenig, P.C. Jay focuses his practice on securing, licensing and enforcing the value of intellectual property rights. His practice includes litigation, inter partes matters, administrative proceedings, licensing of trademarks and technology, validity opinions and due diligence reviews. Jay also serves as President of the firm. While his experience with technology is varied, Jay’s particular area of focus is on electrical, electronic and computer software technologies, including optical and wireless communication systems, computers, communication system protocols, microwave systems and components, optical barcode scanners, fiber optic systems and semiconductor devices.
