Cambridge Vocabulary for IELTS with Answers and Audio CD | 被動收入的投資秘訣 - 2024年6月

Cambridge Vocabulary for IELTS with Answers and Audio CD

作者:Cullen, Pauline



  【 IELTS 字彙全收錄 】 適用程度:CEF B2 IELTS 5.0-6.5 Intermediate to Upper-intermediate 全民英檢 中高級 上課時數:75-85小時  本書共25個單元,以IELTS常考主題規劃單元,並將字彙以各類不同的練習方式例如:填空、填字謎、短篇閱讀等提供學生活用字彙的練習機會。每單元皆有考試練習與考試小撇步提醒,另提供四次模擬小考。 


  ◎提供中級(Intermediate: 雅思5~6.5)及高級(Advanced:6.5+)兩種版本。

  ◎主題式的單元規劃,提供大量考古題,並針對 Spoken & Written 文法做比較和例句分析。



  Cambridge Vocabulary for IELTS includes useful tips on how to approach IELTS exam tasks and covers especially tricky areas such as the language needed to describe data and processes. It is informed by the Cambridge International Corpus and the Cambridge Learner Corpus to ensure that the vocabulary is presented in genuine contexts and includes real learner errors. Also available is Cambridge Vocabulary for Advanced (Band 6.5 or above).
