Mediterranean Diet For Heart Health and Weigth Loss: My 24 Weeks Research and Findings With 5 Overweight People on Mediterranean Diet | 被動收入的投資秘訣 - 2024年7月

Mediterranean Diet For Heart Health and Weigth Loss: My 24 Weeks Research and Findings With 5 Overweight People on Mediterranean Diet

作者:Robson, Jennifer

Mediterranean Diet For Heart Health and Weight LossMy 24 Weeks Research And Findings With 5 Overweight People On Mediterranean DietI am an independent professional researcher with a keen interest in diet regimens and health routines. I have a Master's degree in statistics, and I have worked as a freelancer for several for-profit and nonprofit organizations on various case studies and researches. This book is based on one of the researches I carried out for a company and is part of a three series book in which I will be covering my research on three popular diet regiments- the Ketogenic Diet, Mediterranean Diet, and Fast Metabolism Diet. When I carried out this research, I wasn't allowed to publish or share my findings, as per contract, for 12 months. Now that, that period has passed, I am excited at the prospect of finally being able to share my test research along with results.I feel that, too often, people are misled by fad diets, and when they don't experience any concrete results, they give up. Sometimes, they give up too soon, even before a diet can cause any positive changes to the body. I also observed that low carb diets are usually attacked by the media and foodies, trashing it and labeling it to be harmful for the human body. To unearth the truth, I set out to do my own research using my knowledge of research and statistical analysis, and what I found throughout this journey was amazing In this book, I discuss the Mediterranean diet, its benefits, and how it can help steer you towards a healthy lifestyle. Being a freelance researcher gives me many avenues to conduct research and I've been associated with a number of organizations over time to conduct different kinds of research for them. This research on the Mediterranean diet was conducted with the purpose of finding the truth about the diet, its effectiveness, and ideas to implement it in daily life with relative ease. At the time this research was conducted, I could not publish it due to my contract with the company, but now that the period has elapsed, I am free to share my results with you.In this book I explain: What is Mediterranean DietHow this diet works7 Basics of the food PyramidWhat to eat and what not to eat8 Basic rules of the Mediterranean Diet5 Key benefits of Ketogenic dietHealing type 2 diabetes with Mediterranean DietHealing strokes and heart disease with Mediterranean DietReducing risk of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseaseHow this diet makes you lose weightNext I Breakdown My Research Process: Details about each participantHow the Study took placeWhat the results areWhat I found by doing this researchWhat I concluded from this researchLastly, I share with you: 10 Easy to follow steps to successHow to prepare yourself for success15 Great tasting breakfast, lunch and dinner recipesMy final thoughts and adviceI wrote these books in a format which is not like research paper; they read and flow like a normal book and without any complex statistical analysis. As I understand readers do not want to see or read complicated statistical analysis instead they want to read about the findings and results in plain English. Hope you will benefit from my work.Good Luck - Jennifer Robson

Jennifer Robson has been in various diet based research for last 13 years. She freelances for various for profit and nonprofit organizations. Typically she is not allowed to share her research findings with anyone. But seldom some companies allow her to publish her findings after certain time frame have passed. She is not a writer in the typical sense, but her desire to share her knowledge has pushed her to write 3 books recently. She is looking forward to publishing all of them soon. We hope she keeps up the great work and shares more of her amazing research findings so people like us can get benefitted from her work. Publisher CSB Academy Publishing Company
