Languages of the Aboriginal Southeast: An Annotated Bibliography | 被動收入的投資秘訣 - 2024年7月

Languages of the Aboriginal Southeast: An Annotated Bibliography

作者:Booker, Karen M.

This is the only published bibliography devoted to the speech of the American Indians inhabiting the southeastern quadrant of the U.S. at the time of first European contact. It covers more than twenty-five languages from five language families (Algonquian, Caddoan, Iroquoian, Muskogean, Siouan), several genetically unaffiliated languages, and a trade language (Mobilian Jargon). The bibliography annotates over 1,900 published works, reviews, doctoral dissertations, and master's theses. A single index is organized by individual languages and by linguistic and related topics. The volume is intended for the use of scholars working in the core areas of linguistics, in related sociolinguistic disciplines, and in other aspects of cultural anthropology.

Karen Booker is Adjunct Assistant Professor of Linguistics at the University of Kansas, where she received a doctorate for her work on comparative Muskogean. She has taught linguistics at the University of Colorado as a visiting assistant professor, has held various research grants and fellowships, and has published several articles on Muskogean linguistics. She continues her work on comparative Muskogean while doing field work on Creek, Choctaw, and Mikasuki.
