互聯互通與香港新經濟融資創新 | 被動收入的投資秘訣 - 2024年9月







  Amid the global financial turbulence, the Mutual Market Access (MMA) programme, comprising the Shanghai Connect, the Shenzhen Connect and the Bond Connect, has solidified Hong Kong’s status as a unique financial hub connecting the East and the West and, in this process, has explored a new path for the opening-up of China’s capital market.

  In the face of economic structural changes across the globe, Hong Kong seeks to look into innovations in financing the new economy, and has built up experiences for reference in the Asian time zone. Hong Kong is gradually establishing a new ecosystem around new-economy enterprises and has made them new targets of investment for both Mainland and overseas investors trading under MMA.

  This book is the first bilingual title in the market that explains in detail the MMA model between Hong Kong and Mainland China and innovations in new-economy financing, in which experts and research teams who are experienced in these areas discuss in-depth on the key functional drivers of innovations in Hong Kong and the Mainland, including the “MMA”, “new-economy financing” and “global asset allocation”. Elaborating the unique concepts of the MMA model and summarising what HKEX has learned in its reforms in new-economy financing, this book shall come in handy for market participants to make better use of the MMA model and benefit from the latest reforms of Hong Kong’s listing regime.


  (1) 本書邀請具體的參與者和設計者,以自身的經驗對「互聯互通」框架進行系統性、具深度的梳理和總結,讓市場參與者更加深入理解「互聯互通」在中國資本市場開放方面所帶來的積極影響。

  (2) 本書系統介紹了香港交易所的上市制度和流程、特別是針對2018年4月新經濟公司上市的制度改革,為市場全面了解香港交易所新上市制度和實務操作提供了權威的參考資料。

  (3) 本書專門在第三篇多角度說明了「互聯互通」作為海內外資金進行國際化配置的重要平台功能,為市場參與者深入了解「互聯互通」機制在國際資金配置中的實際操作意義提供不同思路。






李小加 香港交易所 集團行政總裁
Preface –Exploring Hong Kong’s Unique Strategic Positioning in the Face of International Changes
Charles Li Chief Executive, Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited

Part I – The New Trend of Connectivity and New-Economy Financing
Chapter 1 – Mutual Market Access: Hong Kong as a Financial Hub Connecting China and the World
李小加 香港交易所 集團行政總裁
Charles Li Chief Executive, Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited
Chapter 2 – Financing Innocation for the New Economy and Hong Kong’s Explorations
陸挺 野村國際(香港)休閒公司 環球市場部 中國經濟學家
Ting Lu Chief China Economist, Global Markets, Nomura International (Hong Kong) Limited
王立升 野村國際(香港)休閒公司 環球市場部 中國經濟學家
Lisheng Wang China Economist, Global Markets, Nomura International (Hong Kong) Limited
王競 野村國際(香港)休閒公司 環球市場部 中國經濟學家
Jing Wang China Economist, Global Markets, Nomura International (Hong Kong) Limited
Chapter 3 – Stock Connect Ushers in a New Era for China’s Capital Market
洪灝 交銀國際控股有限公司 研究部主管兼董事總經理
Hau Hong Head of Research and Managing Director, BOCOM International Holdings Company Limited

Part II–The Listing Reform and Financing Innovation for New-Economy Companies
Chapter 4 – Initial Public Offering (IPO) and Listing Process on the SEHK with Highlights
香港交易所 首席中國經濟學家辦公室及環球上市服務部
Chief China Economist’s Office and Global Issuer Services, Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited
Chapter 5 – Reform and Breakthrough of Hong Kong’s Listing Regime
香港交易所 首席中國經濟學家辦公室及環球上市服務部
Chief China Economist’s Office and Global Issuer Services, Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited
Chapter 6 – The Practice of Dual-Class Share Structure in Hong Kong
香港交易所 首席中國經濟學家辦公室
Chief China Economist’s Office, Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited
Weighted Voting Rights: Angel or Evil to Investors?
香港交易所 首席中國經濟學家辦公室
Chief China Economist’s Office, Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited
Chapter 8 – Overseas Bond Markets Support the Development of Chinese New-Economy Enterprises
邱志明 花旗環球金融亞洲有限公司 資本市場部董事總經理、亞洲債務發行部聯席主管
Adrian Khoo Managing Director, Capital Markets Origination and Co-Head of Asia Debt Origination, Citigroup Global Markets Asia Limited
蔣國榮 花旗環球金融亞洲有限公司 董事總經理、中國企業與投資銀行部主席兼主管
Jiang Guorong Managing Director, Chairman and Head of China Corporate and Investment Banking, Citigroup Global Markets Asia Limited
方寶榮 花旗環球金融亞洲有限公司 中國投資銀行部董事總經理
Katherine Fang, Managing Director, China Investment Banking, Citigroup Global Markets Asia Limited
茅駿翔 花旗環球金融亞洲有限公司 資本市場部董事總經理
Mao Junxiang, David Managing Director, Capital Markets Origination, Citigroup Global Markets Asia Limited
Chapter 9 – New-Economy Companies’ Overseas Mergers and Acquisitions and Financing
吳衛軍 德勤中國 副主席兼金融服務業領導合夥人
David Wu Vice President and Financial Services Industry Leader, Deloitte China
許思濤 德勤中國 首席經濟學家兼德勤研究負責人及合夥人
Sitao Xu Chief Economist, Head of Deloitte Research and Partner, Deloitte China
余雲 德勤中國 風險諮詢兼司庫服務合夥人
Yun Yu Risk Advisory and Treasury Service Partner, Deloitte China
周穎 德勤中國 稅務服務兼全球基礎設施業務中心合夥人
Nina Zhou Tax Service and Global Infrastructure Services Centre Partner, Deloitte China

Part III – The Connectivity Platform for Onshore and Offshore Cross-Border Asset Allocation
Chpater 10 – China A Shares inclusion into MSCI Indices: The Journey and Impact
魏震 MSCI中國研究主管
Chapter 11 – “Belt and Road” Investment Opportunities Offered by Stock Connect Companies
香港交易所 首席中國經濟學家辦公室
Chief China Economist’s Office, Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited
Chapter 12 – Investment Benchmark for Asia’s Biotechnology Sector: CES HK Biotechnology Index
香港交易所 首席中國經濟學家辦公室及中華交易服務有限公司
Chief China Economist’s Office, Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited and China Exchanges Services Company Limited
Chapter 13 – Rising Demand for the Block Trading in the Mainland and in Hong Kong Securities Markets
香港交易所 首席中國經濟學家辦公室
Chief China Economist’s Office, Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited
Chapter 14 – Hong Kong’s ETF Market as a Door to Global Investment
香港交易所 首席中國經濟學家辦公室
Chief China Economist’s Office, Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited
Chapter 15 – Policy Suggestions for the Development of the Hong Kong ETF Market and Cross-Border Asset Allocation
丁晨 南方東英資產管理有限公司 總裁
Chen Ding, Chief Executive Officer, Chief Executive Officer, CSOP Asset Management Limited
Afterword – Promoting Mutual Market Access and Innovation in New-Economy Financing by Riding on the Change in Global Financial Landscape
巴曙松教授 香港交易所 首席中國經濟學家 中國銀行業協會 首席經濟學家
Professor Ba Shusong Chief China Economist, Hong Kong exchanges and Clearing Limited Chief Economist, China Banking Association
