Ten Things I Still Hate About Those Women: Twisted Love, Passion, Sisterhood and Loyalty | 被動收入的投資秘訣 - 2024年10月

Ten Things I Still Hate About Those Women: Twisted Love, Passion, Sisterhood and Loyalty

作者:Swienckowski, Allene E.

Everyone remembers that "mean girl" from high school - she was gorgeous, perfectly proportioned, perfectly poised, and perfectly nasty to the rest of us.What most women know but rarely speak about is that the mean girls in high school grow-up to become mean women. While the battlegrounds used to be the school cafeteria or the gym, we grow-up to face mean women at the supermarket, the soccer field, PTA meetings and office parties. The grown-up mean girl may look like a goddess on the surface, but underneath all the layers of expertly applied make-up, designer clothes and disingenuous smile lies a beast lurking, always at the ready to slice and dice other women's self-esteem and dreams. Ten Things I Still Hate About Those Women gives a voice to the rest of womankind and empowers each of us to fight back against the goddess in our midst.
