Unique Media and Marketplace: English Reading and Vocabulary (附MP3一片) | 被動收入的投資秘訣 - 2024年7月

Unique Media and Marketplace: English Reading and Vocabulary (附MP3一片)


  Vocabulary in Context是國外中學分科重點字彙學習系列的暢銷書系,Saddleback Educational出版公司與Bookman書林出版合作,2013年全新授權在台印刷版!

  「Unique-an English Reading and Vocabulary」讓學生擺脫一成不變的枯燥課文!


  Unique─English Reading and Vocabulary書系著重在字彙的重複練習,教材編輯注重分科專業的實用詞彙術語,及應用技巧,更有字彙概念相關的情境設置。在不同情境下重複學習字彙應用,可短時間幫助學習困難的學生在20多回的自我多方練習中,學習到超過3000個以上的高實用字彙。此外,每一章節在各種活潑趣味的練習遊戲中,不斷加強已學到字彙及基本語言應用技巧和概念。

  這套Unique─English Reading and Vocabulary獨特的多樣重複學習字彙閱讀教材,另外還有教師筆記和教學提示解答,參考指南,單元複習及更多。


  1、閱讀理解及語法練習:強化學生核心閱讀技巧 (skimming, scanning, reference),厚實語法基礎。
  2、字彙練習活動:讓學生在不同有趣又富挑戰性的練習活動中,熟記字彙的Spelling, Meaning, Referencing, Writing, Word Forms。

  3、結合網路資源:利用Macmillan Online Dictionary及the free dictionary等,幫助學生熟悉網路查找技巧靈活應用。






  Reading Comprehension閱讀理解:提供練習活動,以加強學生的閱讀技巧,如略讀(skimming)和掃描(scanning),還引入提升閱讀流暢度必不可少的參照技術。該系列涵蓋了16個基本語法規則(在Everyday Living日常的生活和Science& Technology科學技術)和10個高階語言規則(在Workplace& Career工作場所和職業與Media& Marketplace媒體和市場)。

  Vocabulary Study詞彙學習:提供了多種不同的練習活動,以幫助學生字彙拼寫的意義理解和不熟悉的單詞形式記憶。也提供了如字詞典有效引用的策略。更補強了學生的思維能力,例如得出結論,及完成類推。


  Review Lessons複習課評:評估學生學習到的新詞彙,通過破壞重組的活動,如拼圖填字和類比遊戲。更鼓勵學生透過自己寫的句子運用來獲得新的詞彙。







  閱讀理解及語法練習,強化學生核心閱讀技巧 (skimming, scanning, reference),厚實語法基礎。

  以有趣又富挑戰性的字彙練習活動,讓學生熟記字彙的Spelling,Meaning, Referencing, Writing, Word Forms。亦可靈活結合網路資源 (Macmillan Online Dictionary, thefreedictionary等),幫助學生熟悉網路查找技巧。



  字彙學習研究(Stahl & Nagy, 2005)發現學習者要對一個單詞有完整的瞭解需要7-10個不同的語境,可能是閱讀到或聽到這個新單詞,反覆幾次之後才會真正學的起來。Unique系列強調提供多重情境來反覆學習字彙。

  Unique Science and Technology  (Grammar Level 1)
  Unique Everyday Living   (Grammar Level 1)
  Unique Workplace and Career  (Grammar Level 2)
  Unique Media and Marketplace  (Grammar Level 2)

  Welcome to Unique—an English Reading and Vocabulary Program!

  Raising communication skills to a higher, more fluent level is the overarching goal of the Unique series. To this end, each of the worktexts has been carefully designed to review the fundamental skills that enhance reading comprehension reinforce the fundamental concepts that boost vocabulary development

  There are four thematic books in the series:
  Unique Science and Technology  (Grammar Level 1)
  Unique Everyday Living   (Grammar Level 1)
  Unique Workplace and Career  (Grammar Level 2)
  Unique Media and Marketplace  (Grammar Level 2)

  All books include:
  20-24 high-interesting and unique texts from various media and academic sources
  a full range of activities to reinforce reading skills and word power
  creative text-related cartoons add humor and reinforce memory
  essential rules of grammar illustrated in Grammar appendix


Introduction iii
Lesson 1 Advertisers Aim at Heads and Hearts 廣告的理性與感性訴求
Lesson 2 Money in the Bank! 銀行的金流
Lesson 3 Freedom of the Press 新聞自由
Lesson 4 Read and Buy 廣告文案
Lesson 5 Letters to the Editor 讀者來信
Lesson 6 Vocabulary Stretch

Review 1
Lesson 7 Speed Sells 速度的價值:ETC與悠遊卡
Lesson 8 War Correspondents 戰地記者
Lesson 9 www.groceries.com 網購蔬菜
Lesson 10 Give It a Try 試用
Lesson 11 Society’s Mirror 媒介鏡子理論:影集就像社會的鏡子ex慾望師奶
Lesson 12 Vocabulary Stretch

Review 2
Lesson 13 Book Clubs 閱讀俱樂部
Lesson 14 Classified Ads 分類廣告
Lesson 15 The Media Stirs Things Up 媒體唯恐天下不亂
Lesson 16 Protecting Your Plastic 保護你的塑膠貨幣(信用卡、儲值卡…)
Lesson 17 Trademarks 扒糞運動
Lesson 18 Vocabulary Stretch

Review 3
Lesson 19 Attending an Action 參加遊行
Lesson 20 News Services 新聞通訊社
Lesson 21 Complain…and Get Results 客訴
Lesson 22 Consumer Rights 消費者權利
Lesson 23 Editorial Cartoons 諷剌漫畫
Lesson 24 Vocabulary Stretch

Review 4
End-of-Book Test


  Saddleback Educational出版公司成立於1982年,多年來為解決國高中生語文學習的各種問題,致力於研發與編輯適合國高中生的語言學習教材,豐富的經驗也解決並架構出許多的教材資源。

  Saddleback Educational的出版品,在許多類型皆曾獲頒獎項,例如:都市小說、知名經典插畫、經典文學改編、補充替代教材、以及最多種類HI-LO(high-interest, low-readability)有趣卻簡易的讀本。

  Saddleback Educational出版公司認為,出版品與讀者年齡程度相符合的封面及內容,在引導學習困難的學生或區別化(程度分級)學生中都能夠取得成功的效果。

About the Author

  Saddleback Educational Publishing has been the leading source of solutions for struggling learners in middle school and high school for over 29 years. Saddleback publishes Award-Winning Urban Fiction, well-known Illustrated Classics, Adapted Classics, supplemental alternative curriculum as well as the largest assortment of hi-lo (high-interest, low-readability) books. Saddleback believes that by engaging the reader with age-appropriate covers and content, even the most at-risk and struggling learner can achieve success.

Introduction Welcome to Unique—an English Reading and Vocabulary Program! Unique was written especially for you. Raising communication skills to a higher, more fluent level is the overarching goal of the Unique series. To this end, each of the worktexts has been carefully designed to review and reinforce the fundamental skills and concepts that enhance reading comprehension and boost vocabulary development. There are four thematic books in the series: Science and Technology; Everyday Living; Workplace and Career; Media and Marketplace. Pre-reading inspires student enthusiasm for new vocabulary and themes, as well as preparing them for the lessons. Vocabulary lists the important words to acquire in each lesson. It is composed of both high-frequency and challenging vocabulary to enrich your word bank. Reading includes high interest excerpts from real-world documents, forms, advertisements and how-to instructions, as well as academic sources (approximate reading level 4.0). Diagrams and other graphics support instruction and maintain interest. Reading Comprehension not only offers activities to reinforce student reading skills, such as skimming and scanning, but also introduces referencing techniques essential to reading fluency. The series covers 16 basic grammar rules (in Everyday Living and Science and Technology) and 10 advanced rules (in Workplace and Career and Media and Marketplace).
