The Meaning of Mariah Carey瑪麗亞凱莉:出道30週年回憶錄 | 被動收入的投資秘訣 - 2024年10月

The Meaning of Mariah Carey瑪麗亞凱莉:出道30週年回憶錄

作者:Mariah Carey


  瑪麗亞凱莉花費一生的時間換來勇氣與洞見來撰寫她的回憶錄。多年來她接受多次的電視訪問或撰寫雜誌專欄,但透過他人的視角來定義,無法真實傳達她生命經驗的複雜與廣度。她寫下 :「這本書包含我的回憶、我的不幸、我的掙扎、我的重生與我的歌曲,毫無保留過濾。我追溯我的童年,給我內心那個害怕的女孩一個堅定的聲音。我讓那個被遺棄和具有野心的青年說出她的想法,還有那個被背叛的與成功的現在的我,說出她的故事。」


  1990年瑪麗亞凱莉發行首張同名專輯,這張暢銷代表作收錄〈Vision of Love〉、〈Someday〉等歌曲,讓她成為史上最暢銷的藝人之一。1994年發行的〈All I Want For Christmas Is You〉更是每年聖誕節必播金曲。2020年適逢出道專輯30週年紀念,瑪麗亞凱莉也在今年榮譽進駐詞曲作者名人堂(Songwriters Hall of Fame)。

  The global icon, award-winning singer, songwriter, producer, actress, mother, daughter, sister, storyteller, and artist finally tells the unfiltered story of her life in The Meaning of Mariah Carey

  It took me a lifetime to have the courage and the clarity to write my memoir. I want to tell the story of the moments - the ups and downs, the triumphs and traumas, the debacles and the dreams, that contributed to the person I am today. Though there have been countless stories about me throughout my career and very public personal life, it’s been impossible to communicate the complexities and depths of my experience in any single magazine article or a ten-minute television interview. And even then, my words were filtered through someone else’s lens, largely satisfying someone else’s assignment to define me.

  This book is composed of my memories, my mishaps, my struggles, my survival and my songs. Unfiltered. I went deep into my childhood and gave the scared little girl inside of me a big voice. I let the abandoned and ambitious adolescent have her say, and the betrayed and triumphant woman I became tell her side.

  Writing this memoir was incredibly hard, humbling and healing. My sincere hope is that you are moved to a new understanding, not only about me, but also about the resilience of the human spirit.


Mariah Carey is an American artist of Black and Irish ancestry.

She is an award-winning singer, songwriter, producer, actress, entrepreneur, and philanthropist. She has recorded fifteen studio albums and holds numerous industry records, including the most number one singles of any solo artist in history.

She has received many accolades, honors, and distinctions throughout her career, including the Congressional Award for her charitable work with youth through the Fresh Air Fund’s Camp Mariah. She is an inductee into the Songwriters Hall of Fame. Carey remains forever thankful and fiercely loyal to her global family of fans.

Ms. Carey is the mother of two children, Moroccan and Monroe.
