Where the Jobs Are Now: The Fastest-Growing Industries and How to Break into Them | 被動收入的投資秘訣 - 2024年6月

Where the Jobs Are Now: The Fastest-Growing Industries and How to Break into Them

作者:Watson, Joe

The 7 Best-Kept Secrets of Today's Job MarketThe current employment outlook might seem grim at first glance, but only if you don't know where to look. Government and individual investors are pouring billions of dollars into a handful of industries, sparking long-term growth and a wealth of great new career opportunities. Where the Jobs Are Now explains how you can find a long and lucrative career, at any level, in one of these robust, cutting-edge industries: Health Care Biotechnology Energy Education Government Security Information TechnologyThis book helps you match your existing skills to the market and get the training you need--without overturning your life. Take control of your future with an exciting new career that is guaranteed to weather any economic climate.
