Toyota Talent: Developing Your People the Toyota Way | 被動收入的投資秘訣 - 2024年7月

Toyota Talent: Developing Your People the Toyota Way

作者:Liker, Jeffrey K./ Meier, David P.

  * 辨識你的人才發展需求,研擬人才培訓計畫。
  * 了解各類別的工作和如何把複雜的職務分解為可教導的技巧。
  * 妥適地預備好勝任工作的人員,訂定行為期望。
  * 在員工中辨識並栽培有潛力的訓練員。
  * 有效教育非製造部門員工和幕僚人員。
  * 培育內部精實專家。
傑弗瑞.萊克(Jeffrey K. Liker)
  現任密西根大學工業與作業工程系教授,並擔任該校日本技術管理課程主任。曾五度獲頒新鄉卓越獎(Shingo Prize for Excellence),該獎項是為了紀念豐田生產制度的創造者新鄉重夫而設立。在2004年出版《豐田模式》,不僅成為國際暢銷書,也為他贏得第五座新鄉卓越獎,以及美國工業工程學會年度書選獎。另一部為萊克贏得新鄉獎的作品,是他所編輯的《邁向精實》(Becoming Lean),該書因對製造業提出精闢研究,已成為邁向精實的企業必讀的經典著作之一 。萊克教授同時也是專門提供精實專長與供應鏈管理顧問服務的Optiprise管理顧問公司首席顧問,經常應邀為企業主管演講,在企業擔任精實顧問,以及在《哈佛商業評論》(Harvard Business Review)、《史隆管理評論》(Sloan Management Review)及其他知名期刊上發表研究論述。
大衛.梅爾(David Meier)
  曾在日本及美國肯塔基州喬治城接受豐田生產制度專家長達十年的訓練與指導(包括由數位日本協調人全職提供指導),是喬治城豐田工廠塑膠鑄模部門第一批雇用的團隊領導人之一。在離開豐田公司後,梅爾創辦了顧問公司Lean Associates,專門提供想實行豐田生產制度的公司諮詢指導,擔任訓練師與演講者已長達八年,針對標準化作業、價值流程繪圖、製造工程學會精實基礎入門、新鄉獎研討會等研習營,為遍及各產業的許多公司提供諮詢與指導。專精於為組織內部發展豐田生產制度,協助組織達成精實轉型的梅爾,是美國製造工程學會出版的《精實生產》(Lean Manufacturing)的作者之一。
Toyota doesn''t just produce cars; it produces talented people. In the international bestseller, The Toyota Way, Jeffrey Liker explained Toyota''s remarkable success through a 4P model for excellence-Philosophy, People, Problem Solving, and Process. Liker, with coauthor David Meier, provided deeper insight into the practical application of the principles in The Toyota Way Fieldbook. Now, these authorities on Toyota reveal how you can develop talented people and achieve incredible results in your company.Toyota Talent walks you through the rigorous methodology used by this global powerhouse to grow high-performing individuals from within. Beginning with a review of Toyota''s landmark approach to developing people, the authors illustrate the critical importance of creating a learning and teaching culture in your organization. They provide specific examples necessary to train employees in all areas-from the shop floor to engineering to staff members in service organizations-and show you how to support and encourage every individual to reach his or her top potential.Toyota Talent provides you with the inside knowledge you need toIdentify your development needs and create a training plan Understand the various types of work and how to break complicated jobs into teachable skills Set behavioral expectations by properly preparing your workplace Recognize and develop potential trainers within your workforce Effectively educate nonmanufacturing employees and members of the staff Develop internal Lean Manufacturing experts Guiding you with expert tips and training aids, as well as real-world examples drawn from the authors'' two decades of research and field work, Liker and Meier show you how to get the most out of people who live and breathe your company''s philosophy-and who work together toward a common goal.
