Business Plan Development: Example of a University Spin Off Company Marketing Plug-in Hybrid Technology | 被動收入的投資秘訣 - 2024年7月

Business Plan Development: Example of a University Spin Off Company Marketing Plug-in Hybrid Technology

作者:Fahreddin, Leonhard

A business plan is the most important business document for a start up company. It articulates its goals and the way how to achieve these goals for several different purposes. Entrepreneurs must show a well conceived and convincing business plan combined with a professional presentation to have their business idea considered seriously. In order to do so, a successful business plan has to not only present an idea or product, but also, must deal with the entire environment around it. Business Plan Development describes the most crucial elements a business plan must cover. They are explained in the true example of the high tech start up EDI. It also illustrates the process of a start up company and its relationship and importance to a business plan. This book covers the business development process from the initial idea for a product or service, through the structuring phase, seeking of funding and finally to a stand alone business. Business Plan Development provides a guideline with a pracmatic example for entrepreneurs to structure a business idea and also for existing companies to focus their business activities in order to achieve better results.
