10分鍾學會中醫按摩(英文) | 被動收入的投資秘訣 - 2024年7月




Chapter One Understanding TCM Section 1 A Basic Introduction to TCM 1.Basic Theories of TCM 2.Philosophical Foundations of Chinese Medicine 3.Visceral Manifestation 4.Qi, Blood and Liquids 5.The Meridian System Section Two Aeupoints 1.What Is an Acupoint 2.Classification of Acupoints 3.Methods of Locating Aeupoints 4.Commonly Used AcupointsChapter Two The Basics of TCM Massage Section One Understanding Massage 1.What Is TCM massage 2.The Essentials of the Techniques 3.What Kinds of Diseases Can Be Treated with Massage 4.When Is Massage Not Indicated 5.Cautions Regarding Massage Section Two Common Techniques 1.One-Finger Pushing 2.Rolling 3.Pushing 4.Rubbing 5.Kneading 6.Rub-Rolling 7.Scrubbing 8.Wiping Technique 9.Sweeping 10.Pressing 11.Grasping 12.Plucking 13.Fingernail Pressing 14.Holding-Twisting 15.Spine Pinching. 16.Vibrating 17.Shaking 18.Tapping 19.Rotating 20.Pulling-Stretching 21.Bending and StretchingChapter Three Alleviate a Discomfort in Ten Minutes Section One Nine Kinds of Common Soft-Tissue Discomforts 1.Stiff Neck 2.Soreness and Pain of the Neck 3.Shoulder Pain 4.Lateral Elbow Pain 5.Wrist Pain 6.Chronic Lower Back Pain 7.Calf Spasm 8.Knee Pain 9.Heel Pain Section Two Twelve Kinds, of Common Internal Medical Discomforts 1.Headache 2.Visual Fatigue 3.Tinnitus 4.Insomnia 5.Dry and Itchy Throat 6.Nasal Obstruction 7.Oppression of the Chest 8.Hiccups 9.Abdominal Distension 10.Constipation 11.Hypertension 12.Carsickness Section Three Four Kinds of Common Discomforts of Women 1.Hyperplasia of the Breast Glands 2.Postpartum Hypogalactia 3.Dysmenorrhea 4.Climacteric Syndrome Section Four Three Kinds of Common Discomforts of Children 1.Constipation 2.Anorexia 3.EnuresisChapter Four Therapeutic Massage Section one Losing Weight of the Abdomen Section Two General Body Massage 1.Massage of Head and Face 2.Massage of Chest and Abdomen 3.Massage of Upper Limbs 4.Massage of the Frontal Side of the Lower Limbs 5.Massage oPthe Neck, Shoulder, Back and Waist 6.Massage of the Back of the Lower Limbs
