All in One Piece: Library Edition | 被動收入的投資秘訣 - 2024年7月

All in One Piece: Library Edition

作者:Tishy, Cecelia/ Fields, Anna (NRT)

Clipped by a speeding car as she crosses her street in Boston's South End, Regina Cutter gratefully accepts the help of her new upstairs tenant, Steven Damelin, a single young financial analyst. Reggie is surprised to learn from him that her late Aunt Jo, who was also a psychic, was involved in a deal with Steven shortly before her death. But before Reggie can learn specifics, Steven is brutally murdered in the upstairs flat, and Reggie's own front door is smeared with blood marks that look like Chinese characters.Reggie has used her psychic powers before to help the Boston PD, but the homicide detective assigned to Steven's case not only lacks faith in her abilities but also makes it clear that she's not above suspicion. On the defensive and relegated to the sidelines, Reggie resolves to find the murderer-who may already have picked her as the next victim.
