Google Blogger for Dummies | 被動收入的投資秘訣 - 2024年7月

Google Blogger for Dummies

作者:Gunelius, Susan

Are you bemused by blogs? Eager to become a blogger? Google Blogger For Dummies can help you start blogging sooner than you think. More than 14 million people are promoting a business, connecting with family and friends, and sharing opinions with Google Blogger. This book helps you start a Blogger account, create content, build an audience, make money from your blog, and more, all without learning to program. You'll be able to: Learn the parts of a blog, what Blogger does, and how to choose goals and blog topicsChoose a domain name, learn to use the dashboard, pick a template, and configure settingsDress up your blog with themes and find out where to get plenty of free onesLearn blogging etiquette and some secrets for long-term successMake money from your blog with Google Adsense, contextual and text link ads, and merchandising with CafePressSet up multi-user blogs or branch into mobile blogging, podcasting, or video bloggingTake advantage of social networking sites and learn simple search engine optimization techniquesMaintain your blog with tools like Blog This and Quick EditModerate comments effectively, track your stats, and moreGoogle Blogger is a great choice for beginning bloggers, and Google Blogger For Dummies gives you the know-how to venture confidently into the blogosphere.

Susan Gunelius is President and CEO of KeySplash Creative, Inc., a full-service marketing communications provider. She is also a professional blogger and seasoned marketing and branding expert with two other books to her credit. In addition to being the Guide to Web Logs for, she authors blogs for a variety of clients as well as her own blogs, and
