Cybersecurity Risk Management: Mastering the Fundamentals Using the Nist Cybersecurity Framework | 被動收入的投資秘訣 - 2024年5月

Cybersecurity Risk Management: Mastering the Fundamentals Using the Nist Cybersecurity Framework

作者:Brumfield, Cynthia,Haugli, Brian

Cynthia Brumfield, President DCT Associates and Cybersecurity Columnist, Washington, DC, USA. Cynthia Brumfield is a veteran media, communications and technology analyst. Backed by extensive experience in the cable, telecommunications, content, technology, utility and publishing fields, Ms. Brumfield has authored dozens of studies, white papers and analyses, and held numerous events, for The Media Institute, the National Cable & Telecommunications Association, Paul Kagan Associates, the Utilities Telecom Council and numerous clients in the media and communications sector. Since 2012 she has focused almost exclusively on the emerging field of information security, writing extensively for private clients, her own blog and CSO Magazine, producing a series of articles tracking the development of the NIST Cybersecurity Framework through attendance at all of the in-depth workshops that led to the development of the Framework. She has also authored a series of eight cybersecurity courses for the National Association of Broadcasters, including six certificate courses, on broadcasting cybersecurity, which launched in November 2018. Brian Haugli, Managing Partner and Co-Founder, Side Channel Security. Brian has been driving security programs for two decades and brings a true practitioner’s approach to the industry. He creates a more realistic way to address information security and data protection issues for organizations. Brian is a renowned speaker and expert on NIST guidance, threat intelligence implementations, and strategic organizational initiatives.
