成衣跟單英語 | 被動收入的投資秘訣 - 2024年7月






Chapter 1 Overview to Apparel Industry成衣業概觀 1
1.1 Introduction簡介1
1.2 Briefing on the Apparel Production成衣生產概述2
1.3 Design Process設計過程2
1.3.1 Product Development產品開發3
1.3.2 First Pattern頭板紙樣4
1.3.3 Garment Sample服裝樣板4
1.3.4 Production Pattern生產紙樣6
1.3.5 Product Costing成本預算6
1.3.6 Production Preparing生產准備7
1.4 Production Process生產過程8
1.4.1 Cutting Process裁剪過程8
1.4.2 Sewing Production縫紉制作9
1.4.3 Pressing Process熨燙過程10
1.4.4 Finishing and Packing后整理與包裝11
1.5 Marketing Process 營銷過程11
1.5.1 Markets and Environment Analysis市場與環境分析12
1.5.2 Fixing Marketing Target確定營銷目標12
1.5.3 Developing a Marketing Strategy制定市場策略12
1.5.4 Marketing Mix營銷組合13
1.5.5 Marketing Control市場控制14

Chapter 2 Introduction of Apparel Merchandising成衣跟單介紹 18
2.1 Description of Apparel Merchandising成衣跟單的描述18
2.1.1 Apparel Merchandising Concept成衣跟單概念18
2.1.2 Function of Apparel Merchandising成衣跟單作用19
2.1.3 Range of Apparel Merchandising成衣跟單的范圍19
2.2 Business Cycle of Apparel Merchandising成衣跟單的業務周期21
2.2.1 Anticipation of Apparel Business成衣業務的預測21
2.2.2 Follow?up Product Portfolio跟進產品開發22
2.2.3 Material Sourcing and Procurement原材料搜集與采購23
2.2.4 Production Organization生產組織23
2.2.5 Shipment Arrangement船運安排24
2.2.6 Auxiliary Activities附屬業務24
2.3 Apparel Merchandising Organization成衣跟單組織24
2.3.1 Business Scopes of Apparel Organization成衣公司的業務范圍24
2.3.2 Organization Structure of Apparel Merchandising成衣跟單的組織架構26
2.4 Staffing in Apparel Merchandising成衣跟單的人事關系28
2.4.1 Major Responsibilities of a Merchandiser跟單員的主要職責28
2.4.2 Job Description工作描述28
2.4.3 Training and Development培訓與開發30

Chapter 3 Product Development產品開發 32
3.1 Factors of Affecting Product Development影響產品開發的因素32
3.1.1 Parties Involved in the Product Development產品開發的相關人員32
3.1.2 Different Seasons不同的季節33
3.1.3 Fashion Trend時裝流行趨勢34
3.1.4 Fashion Trend Adoption時裝潮流的采集34
3.1.5 Product Life Cycle產品生命周期34
3.1.6 Economy of the World世界經濟35
3.1.7 Culture文化35
3.1.8 Climate and Geography氣候與地理35
3.1.9 Government Regulation政府法規35
3.2 Requirement of Product Development產品開發的要求36
3.2.1 Design Task設計任務36
3.2.2 Development Activities開發活動36
3.3 Specification of Product產品規格表37
3.3.1 Components of a Specification規格表的組成37
3.3.2 Case Analyzing of Specification規格表案例分析38
3.4 Sourcing Supplier搜集產品供應商40
3.4.1 Sourcing Process搜集程序40
3.4.2 Sourcing Types產品資源的類型41
3.4.3 Attributes of a Good Supplier優質供應商的特性41
3.4.4 Suppliers Evaluation供應商的評估42

Chapter 4 Material Merchandising原材料跟單 44
4.1 Textile Fibres紡織纖維44
4.1.1 Natural Fibres天然纖維44
4.1.2 Man Made Fibres化學纖維45
4.2 Fabric Types面料種類45
4.2.1 Woven Fabrics 梭織面料46
4.2.2 Knitted Fabrics針織面料48
4.3 Garment Accessories服裝輔料49
4.4 Follow?up on Material Purchasing物料采購的跟進50
4.4.1 Material Purchasing Functions物料采購職能50
4.4.2 Purchasing Activities采購活動51
4.4.3 Forecasting Fabric Trend織物趨勢預測51
4.4.4 Responsibilities of Supplier供應商的職責51
4.4.5 Evaluation of Material Supplier供應商的評估52
4.4.6 Transaction and Contracting交易與簽約53
4.4.7 Booking for Factory Capacity預訂工廠產能54
4.4.8 Transportation Booking預訂運輸54
4.5 Ordering Raw Material and Fabric Shipment采購原材料及面料運輸55
4.5.1 Ordering Raw Material訂購原材料56
4.5.2 Ordering Accessories訂購輔料56
4.5.3 Fabric Shipment面料船運57
4.6 Lab Dip Following up and Evaluation小樣板跟進與評估58
4.6.1 Lab Dip Following up小樣板跟進58
4.6.2 Supplier Self?Approving Lab Dip供應商自評小樣58
4.7 Piece Goods Quality Control布匹質量控制59
4.7.1 Piece Goods Inspection Guidelines布匹檢查指南59
4.7.2 Piece Goods Inspection Systems布匹檢查系統60
4.7.3 Acceptance Criteria接受標准61
4.7.4 Defects Classification疵點分類61

Chapter 5 Order Preparation and Costing訂單准備與成本預算 68
5.1 Introduction簡介68
5.2 Product Specification產品規格68
5.2.1 Standard Specification標准規格68
5.2.2 Order Content訂單內容69
5.3 Terms of Trading貿易方式70
5.4 Terms of payment付款方式71
5.5 Garment Costing服裝成本估算72
5.5.1 Fabric Cost面料成本73
5.5.2 Yarns Cost紗線成本74
5.5.3 Production Cost生產成本75
5.5.4 Transportation Charges運輸費用75
5.5.5 Other Operation Costs其他運作成本76
5.5.6 Analyzing of Costing Document成本估算文件的分析77

Chapter 6 Production Schedule Follow up生產計划跟進 82
6.1 Introduction簡介82
6.2 Production Schedule and Process生產計划與程序82
6.2.1 Production Schedules生產排期82
6.2.2 Production Follow up Process生產跟單程序84
6.3 Pre?production Sample Approval產前樣批復84
6.3.1 Sample Classification樣板分類84
6.3.2 Approve PP Sample批復產前樣85
6.4 Sample Order Analyzing制板單分析86
6.4.1 T?Shirt Sample Order T恤制板單86
6.4.2 Approval Sample Card核准樣卡86
6.5 Production Process生產程序90
6.5.1 Production Process of Woven Wear梭織服裝生產程序91
6.5.2 Production Process of Cut & Sewn Knitted Wear裁剪型針織服裝生產程序91
6.5.3 Production Process of Fully Fashion Sweater全成型毛衫生產程序93
6.6 Garment manufacturing and Analyzing服裝制作與分析96
6.6.1 Analyzing of Men』s Shirt Making up男式襯衫制作分析96
6.6.2 Trousers Construction Analyzing西褲結構分析98
6.7 Prepare Production Order准備生產制造單100
6.7.1 Contents of Production Order生產制造單的內容100
6.7.2 Case Analysis of Production Order生產制造單案例分析101

Chapter 7 Apparel Quality Evaluation服裝品質評估 106
7.1 Introduction簡介106
7.2 Quality Inspection Criteria List 質量檢驗標准表106
7.2.1 Physical Appearance Criteria外觀標准107
7.2.2 Workmanship Criteria工藝標准107
7.2.3 Packing and Marking Criteria 包裝與標識標准107
7.2.4 Function Check功能性檢查107
7.3 Garment Defects Classification服裝疵點的分類108
7.3.1 Defects Catalogues疵點分類108
7.3.2 Defects Expression疵點的表達108
7.4 Types of Quality Inspections質量檢驗的類型110
7.4.1 Pre?Production Inspection前期檢驗110
7.4.2 In?line Inspection中期檢驗110
7.4.3 Final Inspection終期檢驗110
7.4.4 AQL Random Sampling Inspection AQL隨機抽樣檢驗111
7.5 Visual Inspection Procedure of Garment服裝目測檢驗程序112
7.5.1 Review of the Technical File審查技術文件113
7.5.2 Inspection Standard and Sampling檢驗標准與抽樣113
7.5.3 Carton Selection抽箱114
7.5.4 Style Comparison對款114
7.5.5 Hand feel of Material原料的手感114
7.5.6 Color Comparison對色115
7.5.7 Visual Workmanship Inspection外觀工藝質量檢驗115
7.6 Size Measurement尺寸測量115
7.6.1 Measurement Guidelines for Tops上裝測量指引117
7.6.2 Measurement Guidelines for Bottoms下裝測量指引117
7.7 Reporting檢查報告118
7.7.1 Product Inspection Report產品檢查報告118
7.7.2 Defects Inspection Report疵點檢查報告123
7.7.3 Measurement Report尺寸檢查報告125
7.8 Problem Settlement問題處理126
7.8.1 Settlement with Discounts打折處理127
7.8.2 Settlement with Claims索賠處理127
7.8.3 Other Settlement其他處理方法127

Chapter 8 Goods Shipment and Document Processing產品裝運與單證處理 131
8.1 Introduction簡介131
8.1.1 Shipment Clauses裝運條件131
8.1.2 Different Kinds of Shipment不同裝運方式131
8.1.3 General Process of Shipment裝運的一般程序132
8.2 Following up the Goods Packing跟進產品包裝132
8.3 Arranging the Shipment Time安排裝運時間133
8.4 Confirming the Loading Ports確認裝卸港口133
8.5 Selecting the Transportation Modes選擇運輸方式133
8.5.1 Road Transportation公路運輸134
8.5.2 Railway Transportation鐵路運輸134
8.5.3 Waterway Transportation水路運輸134
8.5.4 Air Transportation航空運輸134
8.6 Collecting the Shipping Documents收集裝運文件135
8.7 Shipping Advice裝船通知135
8.7.1 Shipping Advice under FOB離岸價下的裝船通知135
8.7.2 Shipping Advice under C&F 成本與運費下的裝船通知136
8.7.3 Shipping Advice under CIF到岸價下的裝船通知136
8.8 Specimen Letters公函范本136
8.8.1 Shipper』s Letter of Instruction托運通知書136
8.8.2 Letters Case Analyze信函案例分析137
8.9 Document Practice in Trading貿易文件實踐139
8.9.1 Contract & Purchase Order合同與采購訂單139
8.9.2 Letter of Credit信用證141
8.9.3 Commerce Invoice商業發票143
8.9.4 Packing List包裝單143
8.9.5 Weight List重量單144
8.9.6 Bill of Lading提貨單145
8.9.7 Bill of Exchange匯票146
8.9.8 Shipping Advice裝船通知147
8.9.9 Insurance Policy保險單147
8.9.10 Inspection Certificate檢驗證書150
8.9.11 Certificate Origin原產地證書151

Appendix:Garment Vocabulary附錄:服裝詞匯 155
Ⅰ. Fibre & Fabric纖維與面料155
Ⅱ. Accessory輔料158
Ⅲ. Garment Part服裝部件160
Ⅳ. Garment Measurement尺寸量度部位163
Ⅴ. Garment Sample樣板名稱164
Ⅵ. Garment Wash洗水方法164
Ⅶ. QC Terms QC名詞165
Ⅷ. Trading Terms貿易名詞167
Ⅸ. Abbreviation詞匯縮寫169
Reference Books
參考文獻 172
