工程經濟學(英文影印版) | 被動收入的投資秘訣 - 2024年6月


作者:[美]沙利文 威克斯 科林

Willian G.Sullivan等編著的《工程經濟學(第14版)(影印版)》是工程經濟學領域的暢銷教材,麻省理工學院等數十所美國大學以及英國、韓國、新加坡等很多國家的一些知名院校都將本書作為「工程經濟學」課程的最主要教材。 本書系統介紹了工程經濟分析的理論、原理、方法和應用案例。全書共分為3部分。第1部分是工程經濟基本原理,主要闡述工程經濟分析的基本原則、重要的成本概念和估計技術、貨幣時間價值原理等?程經濟學的基本概念和原理;第2部分介紹工程經濟基本方法,深入分析了投資方案的贏利性評價方法和比選方法,折舊、所得稅、通貨膨脹等對評價方法的影響,設備更新分析方法,不確定性分析方法;第3部分為工程經濟分析方法特別專題,內容包括公共項目的費用效益分析方法、風險分析技術和融資及資本預算方法。 《工程經濟學(第14版)(影印版)》適合作為經濟類、管理類、工業工程及相關專業本科生或研究生的教材。

PrefaceAcknowledgmentsPART 1 Fundamentals of Engineering Economy CHAPTER 1 Introduction to Engineering Economy 1.1 Introduction 1.2 The Principles of Engineering Economy 1.3 Engineering Economy and the Design Process 1.4 Using Spreadsheets in Engineering Economic Analysis 1.5 Summary CHAPTER 2 Cost Concepts and Design Economics 2.1 Cost Terminology 2.2 The General Economic Environment 2.3 Cost-Driven Design Optimization 2.4 Present Economy Studies 2.5 Case Study——The Economics of Daytime Running Lights 2.6 Summary Appendix 2-A Accounting Fundamentals CHAPTER 3 Cost-Estimation Techniques 3.1 Introduction 3.2 An Integrated Approach 3.3 Selected Estimating Techniques(Models) 3.4 Parametric Cost Estimating 3.5 Cost Estimation in the Design Process 3.6 Case Study——Demanufacturing of Computers 3.7 Summary CHAPTER 4 The Time Value of Money 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Simple Interest 4.3 Compound Interest 4.4 The Concept of Equivalence 4.5 Notation and Cash-Flow Diagrams and Tables 4.6 Relating Present and Future Equivalent Values of Single Cash Flows 4.7 Relating a Uniform Series(Annuity) to Its Present and Future Equivalent Values 4.8 Summary of Interest Formulas and Relationships for Discrete Compounding 4.9 Deferred Annuities(Uniform Series) 4.10 Equivalence Calculations Involving Multiple Interest Formulas 4.11 Uniform(Arithmetic) Gradient of Cash Flows 4.12 Geometric Sequences of Cash Flows 4.13 Interest Rates that Vary with Time 4.14 Nominal and Effective Interest Rates 4.15 Compounding More Often than Once per Year 4.16 Interest Formulas for Continuous Compounding and Discrete Cash Flows 4.17 Case Study——Understanding Economic 「Equivalence」 4.18 SummaryPart Ⅱ Engineering Economy in Action CHAPTER 5 Evaluating a Single Project 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Determining the Minimum Attractive Rate of Return(MARR) 5.3 The Present Worth Method 5.4 The Future Worth Method 5.5 The Annual Worth Method 5.6 The Internal Rate of Return Method 5.7 The External Rate of Return Method 5.8 The Payback(Payout) Period Method 5.9 Case Study——A Proposed Capital Investment to Improve Process Yield 5.10 Summary Appendix 5-A The Multiple Rate of Return Problem with the IRR Method CHAPTER 6 Comparison and Selection among Alternatives 6.1 Introduction 6.2 Basic Concepts for Comparing Alternatives 6.3 The Study(Analysis) Period 6.4 Useful Lives Are Equal to the Study P.eriod 6.5 Useful Lives Are Unequal among the Alternatives 6.6 Personal Finances 6.7 Case Study--Ned and Larry』s Ice Cream Company 6.8 Postevaluatio.n of Results 6.9 Summary CHAPTER 7 Depreciation and Income Taxes 7.1 Introduction 7.2 Depreciation Concepts and Terminology 7.3 The Classical(Historical) Depreciation, Methods 7.4 The Modified Accelerated Cost Recovery』 System 7.5 A Comprehensive Depreciation Example 7.6 Introduction to ,Income Taxes 7,7 The Effective(Marginal)Corporate Income Tax Rate 7.8 Gain(Loss) on the Disposal of an Asset 7.9 General.Procedure for Making After;Tax Economic Analyses 7.10 Illustration of Computations of ATCFs 7.11 Economic Value Added 7.12 Summary CHAPTER 8 Price Chancles and Exchancle Rates 8.1 Introduction 8.2 Terminology and Basic Concepts 8.3 Fixed and Responsive Annuities 8.4 Spreadsheet Application 8.5 Foreign Exchange Rates and Purchasing Power Concepts 8.6 Case Study--Selecting Electric Moto.rs to Power an Assembly Line 8.7 Summary CHAPTER 9 Replacement Analysis 9.1 Introduction 9.2 Reasons for Replacement Anaiysis 9.3 Factors that Must Be Considered in Replacement Studies 9.4 Typisal Replacement Problems 9.5 Determining the Economic Life:of a New Asset(Challenger) 9.6 Determining the Economic Life of a Defender 9.7 Comparisons in which the Defender』s Useful Life Differs from that of the Challenger 9.8 Retirement without Replacement(Abandonment) 9.9 AfterTax Replacement Studies 9.10 Case Study--Replacement of a Hospital』s Emergency Electrical Supply System 9.11 SummaryPART Ⅲ Additional Topics in Engineering Economy CHAPTER 10 Evaluating Projects with the Benefit-Cost Ratio Method 10.1 Introduction 10.2 Perspective and Terminology for Analyzing Public Projects 10.3 Self-Liquidating Projects 10.4 Multiple-Purpose Projects 10.5 Difficulties in Evaluating Public-Sector Projects 10.6 What Interest Rate Should Be Used for Public Projects? 10.7 The Benefit-Cost Ratio Method 10.8 Evaluating Independent Projects by B-C Ratios 10.9 Comparison of Mutually Exclusive Projects by B--C Rations 10.10 Criticisms and Shortcomings of the Benefit-Cost Ratio Method 10.11 Case Study--Improving a Railroad Crossing 10.12 Summary CHAPTER 11 Breakeven and Sensitivity Analysis 11.1 Introduction. 11.2 Breakeven Analysis 11.3 Sensitivity Analysis 11.4 Multiple Factor Sensitivity Analysis 11.5 Case Study--Analysis of a Business Venture 11.6 Summary CHAPTER 12 Probabilistic Risk Analysis 12.1 Introduction 12.2 Sources of Uncertainty 12.3 The Distribution of Random Variables 12.4 Evaluation of Projects with Discrete Random Variables 12.5 Evaluation of Projects with Continuous Random Variables 12.6 Evaluation of Uncertainty by Monte Carlo Simulation 12.7 Performing Monte Carlo Simulation with a Computer 12.8 Decision Trees 12.9 Real Options Analysis 12.10 Case Study--The Oils Well That Ends Well Company 12.11 Summary CHAPTER 13 The Capital Budgeting Process 13.1 Introduction 13.2 Debt Capital 13.3 Equity Capital 13.4 The Weighted Average Cost of Capital(WACC) 13.5 Project Selection 13.6 Postmortem Review 13.7 Budgeting of Capital Investments and Management Perspective 13.8 Leasing Decisions 13.9 Capital Allocation 13.10 Case Study--Financing an Automobile 13.11 Summary CHAPTER 14 Decision Making Considering Multiattributes 14.1 Introduction 14.2 Examples of Multiattribute Decisions 14.3 Choice of Attributes 14.4 Selection of a Measurement Scale 14.5 Dimensionality of the Problem 14.6 Noncompensatory Models 14.7 Compensatory Models 14.8 SummaryPART Ⅳ Appendices A Using Excel to Solve Engineering Economy Problems B Abbreviations and Notation C Interest and Annuity Tables for Discrete Compounding D Interest and Annuity Tables for Continuous Compounding E Standard Normal Distribution F Selected References G Answers to Selected ProblemsIndex
