De qué se ríe Dios? / Why Is God Laughing?: El sendero hacia el gozo y el optimism espiritual / The Path to Joy and Spiritual Op | 被動收入的投資秘訣 - 2024年9月

De qué se ríe Dios? / Why Is God Laughing?: El sendero hacia el gozo y el optimism espiritual / The Path to Joy and Spiritual Op

作者:Chopra, Deepak/ Baranda, Martha (TRN)

En esta refrescante y novedosa perspectiva acerca de la espiritualidad, Deepak Chopra se vale de un extraordinario relato sobre un comediante y su singular guia para mostrar un sendero de regreso a la esperanza, el gozo y la iluminacion, con mucho humor a lo largo del camino. Mickey Fellows, exitoso humorista de Hollywood, es un tipo con una buena dosis de temores, egocentrismo y adicciones. Despu s de la muerte de su padre, conoce a un misterioso personaje llamado Francisco, quien transforma su vida para siempre al surgir entre ellos un debate sobre la verdadera naturaleza del ser. Renuente al principio, acepta la ayuda del extrano y comienza a explorar su propia vida en un esfuerzo por responder los acertijos que aquel le plantea. Es entonces cuando descubre aquellos aspectos de si mismo que estuvieron ocultos detras del muro de exito y de hacer reir a los dem s durante toda su vida. Con el tiempo, Mickey se da cuenta de que el humor autentico lo abre al poder del espiritu y le permite establecer conexiones verdaderas con otras personas. Rico en humor y en consejos practicos, De que se rie Dios? nos demuestra que siempre hay razones para ser agradecidos, que cada posibilidad entrana una promesa de abundancia y que los obstaculos solo son oportunidades disfrazadas. Al final, en realidad no necesitamos una razon para ser felices, el poder de la felicidad yace en nuestro interior y solo espera ser liberado. ENGLISH DESCRIPTIONIn this refreshing new take on spirituality, bestselling author Deepak Chopra uses a fictional tale of a comedian and his unlikely mentor to show us a path back to hope, joy, and even enlightenment--with a lot of laughter along the way. Meet Mickey Fellows. A successful L.A. comedian, he's just a regular guy, with his fair share of fears, egocentricities, and addictions. After his father's death, Mickey meets a mysterious stranger named Francisco, who changes his life forever. The two begin an ongoing discussion about the true nature of being. Reluctantly at first, Mickey accepts the stranger's help and starts to explore his own life in an effort to answer the riddles Francisco poses. Mickey starts to look at those aspects of himself that he has hidden behind a wall of wisecracks all his life. Eventually Mickey realizes that authentic humor opens him up to the power of spirit--allowing him to finally make real connections with people. After taking the reader on a journey with Mickey, Chopra then spells out the lessons that Mickey's story imparts to us: ten reasons to be optimistic, even in our challenging world. Chopra believes that the healthiest response to life is laughter from the heart, and even in the face of global turmoil, we can cultivate an internal sense of optimism. Rich with humor and practical advice, Why Is God Laughing? shows us without a doubt that there is always a reason to be grateful, that every possibility holds the promise of abundance, and that obstacles are simply opportunities in disguise. In the end, we really don't need a reason to be happy. The power of happiness lies within each of us, just waiting to be unleashed. And Mickey Fellows's journey shows us the way.
