Google Advertising Tools | 被動收入的投資秘訣 - 2024年7月

Google Advertising Tools

作者:Davis, Harold/ Iwanow, David (CON)

With this book, you'll learn how to take full advantage of Google AdWords and AdSense, the sophisticated online advertising tools used by thousands of large and small businesses. This new edition provides a substantially updated guide to advertising on the Web, including how it works in general, and how Google's advertising programs in particular help you make money. You'll find everything you need to work with AdWords, which lets you generate text ads to accompany specific search term results, and AdSense, which automatically delivers precisely targeted text and image ads to your website. Google Advertising Tools focuses on best practices, with several case studies that demonstrate which approaches work well, which don't, and why. Google's ad programs can help any business with a web presence, and this guide explains precisely how to use them.Learn how to create effective campaign plans for your websiteUnderstand the PageRank algorithm, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), and Search Engine Marketing (SEM)Drive traffic to your website and make money as an advertising hostAdd AdSense code and Google search to your siteLearn how content, search, and referral ads performCreate and edit AdWord campaignsMonitor AdWords activity and improve your campaign's performance

Harold Davis is the author of more than thirty books on a wide range of topics from art and photography to computer programming and the Internet. He has been a professional photographer, lawyer, software developer, enterprise consultant, and the chief technology officer for an Internet startup.
