經濟管理專業英語 | 被動收入的投資秘訣 - 2024年6月


作者:戴賢遠 主編

英語是經濟管理領域里各個專業的重要工具,在網絡時代里,更是如此。學習專業英語時,一定要告別公共英語學習的各種課本,專攻專業書籍。閱讀專業書籍是學生到達自如英語境地之前的最後一個艱難台階。 《經濟管理專業英語(第四版)》的課文分為14個部分,每部分都配選了閱讀材料,並附有學習提示(suggestions for Further Study)和思考題。 全書課文內容涉及微觀經濟學、宏觀經濟學、決策統計分析、管理信息系統、運營管理學、市場營銷學、財務管理、組織行為學、財務會計、貨幣銀行學、戰略管理學、國際經濟學、國際市場營銷學和國際商業學。 本書的學習提示部分十分實用,考慮了專業英語的教學以及未來的應用,內容包括學習方法概說、新單詞記憶、讀、听、寫、說、寫作精要、語感、業務信函、注釋格式、參考文獻格式、個人簡歷格式、便箋格式以及翻譯要則。 《經濟管理專業英語(第四版)》在全書14個部分里,隨課文內容和學習提示設計了思考題,目的是把經濟管理專業英語的教學引向深處。各部分的思考題均分為兩組,一組是針對專業學習的,讓學生去尋找專業理論深處的答案;另一組是針對英語學習的,引導學生跟隨書中的學習提示,討論英語學習深處的內容。 《經濟管理專業英語(第四版)》展示了一個成熟的和廣義的經濟管理專業英語教學體系,並引導教學融入現實世界。

PART ONE MICROECONOMICS The Concept of Utility How Markets Function PART TWO MACROECONOMICS Outlays and Components of Demand Maeroeconomic Policy PART THREE STATISTICAL ANALYSIS FOR DECISION MAKING Why Sample Basic Concepts of Hypothesis Testing PART FOUR MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM Hotel Computer Applications Word Processing PART FIVE OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT Order Processing Bring Design into the Business PART SIX MARKETING Pulling and Pushing Marketing Strategies in a Market-Oriented System The Many Faces of Personal Selling PART SEVEN MANAGERIAL FINANCE Motives for Using Debt Trade Credit PART EIGHT ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR What Is OBM? Areas of Application PART NINE FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING Elements of the Accounting Model Accounting Reports PART TEN MONEY AND BANKING Sources and Uses of Bank Funds Instruments of the Capital Market PART ELEVEN STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT Company Goals︰Survival, Growth, Profitability Strategic Considerations for Multinational Firms PART TWELVE INTERNATIONAL ECONOMICS Free Markets and Growth New-World Realities and Competitiveness PART THIRTEEN INTERNATIONAL MARKETING Advertising Abroad-Creative Challenges Evaluating Alternatives for International Operations PART FOURTEEN INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS The International Rules of Commercial Policy Foreign Direct Investment APPENDIX A READINGS IN ECONOMICS AND MANAGEMENT The Objectives of Firms in Economics The Maximizing Principle in Economics An Introduction to the Theory of Economic Growth Taxation in Western Economics Application of Probability Concepts in Decision Making The Learning Organization The Goal of Financial Management Global Advertising Regulations Financial Intermediation: Assets and Liabilities Management in a Profit-Seeking Environment Qualitative Characteristics of Accounting Information The Rise of China﹀s Joint Ventures in an Interdependent Global Economy History of the International Monetary System International Banking Trade Policy in Developing Countries APPENDIX B WORDS, PHRASES, AND TYPICAL EXPRESSIONS APPENDIX C SAMPLES OF GOOD SENTENCES APPENDIX D BUSINESS LETTERS APPENDIX E SAMPLES OF FOOTNOTES APPENDIX F SAMPLES OF BIBLIOGRAPHIES APPENDIX G RESUMtE APPENDIX H MEMORANDUM APPENDIX I TRANSLATION
