A More Perfect Union: A Fiscal Plan for America | 被動收入的投資秘訣 - 2024年10月

A More Perfect Union: A Fiscal Plan for America

作者:Dunn, Stuart

This book descibes a fiscal plan designed to balance the federal budget, without austerity or endangeriing the entitlement programs It does this primarily through increasing Income taxes on the wealthy by raising rates and eliminating deductions. It calls for significant savings in the cost of health care delivery without deminishing services and an end to government waste and inefficiency. It largely eliminates poverty through raising the minimum wage, and a full employment program in which the government serves as the employer of last resort. This program is paid for by a new Net-worth tax on the wealthiest 1%. The plan intends to improve economic equity and preserve political democracy by reducing the income/wealth disparity which exist today. The plan extends Medicare to all, eliminates payroll taxes, and funds entitlements out of the general fund. State and municpal costs are significantly reduced by absorbing Medicaid patients into Medicare, thus freeing up capital for necessary infrastructure repair and the expantion of education funding for pre-school through college. Working- and middle-class families will see their first real increase in disposable income in almost 30 years through the elimination of the payroll taxes, the reduction in the personal cost of health care and the increase in the minimum wage. The full employment program and the increase in disposable income for so many will serve to stimulate the economy, bring about business expansion and increase employment. The cost of doing business in America will be reduced by eliminating company contributions to the payroll tax, ending the need for company-paid health insurance and a reduction in the corporate tax rate. These savings will motivate bringing jobs home from overseas and increase the profit margins for American companies providing capital for research and development, modernization and expansion.
