Japanese Vocabulary Study Card: Key Vocabulary for Jlpt N5 and N4 Tests, and AP Test (Online Audio Files) | 被動收入的投資秘訣 - 2024年6月

Japanese Vocabulary Study Card: Key Vocabulary for Jlpt N5 and N4 Tests, and AP Test (Online Audio Files)

作者:Konomi, Emiko

Emiko Konomi received her PhD in Linguistics from Cornell University. She was a member of the faculty of the School of Business Administration and Department of World Languages and Literature at Portland State University. Dr. Konomi has taught all levels of Japanese including business Japanese, and has extensive experience training Japanese-language instructors at various teacher-training programs in the US. Her dedication to quality teaching earned her the 2011 and 2015 John Eliot Allen Outstanding Teaching Award. Her academic research focuses on Japanese linguistics and pedagogy. She is the author of Reading and Writing Hiragana and Reading and Writing Katakana.
