聽讀小說學英文:校園酷落客筆記【附英文八卦報MP3】 | 被動收入的投資秘訣 - 2024年7月


作者:Rose Cooper

  ★ 聽讀小說學英文,全面增進聽、讀、說、寫能力!
  ★ 獨家附贈【英文八卦報MP3】!偷聽酷落客蘇菲亞內心深處的秘密,一邊聽一邊加強英聽力!
  密德布克中學校園內只要出現任何八卦小道,  酷落客蘇菲亞鐵定知道。  那些全記在她超級機密的筆記本裡……  翻開本書,看她在學校女廁偷聽到什麼新鮮八卦?  又在部落格上寫了些什麼玩意兒?
  ◆ 輕鬆有趣、難易適中,開啟學習英文的興趣  用生動幽默的文字、搞怪的塗鴉插畫,描繪美國中學生的校園生活點滴。在輕鬆趣味的故事情節中,學習道地美式的片語、俚語、流行語跟生活單字。
  ◆ 單字解釋、文化註解,有助融入故事長知識  頁緣的單字解釋方便學習,不打斷閱讀的進行。本書英中對照,譯文有附註,針對故事中美國校園文化、作者匠心獨具的梗加以解釋,更能融入書中世界。
  ◆ 用MP3聽故事,最快樂的英聽練習  獨家附贈MP3,由專業錄音員精心錄製,讓您偷聽蘇菲亞內心深處的秘密,跟她一起經歷校園生活的潮起潮落、酸甜苦辣。有了MP3,閉上眼也能置身故事情節中,一邊聽一邊加強英聽力!
  ◆ 實用句型大彙整,活用練習驗收成果  不只讀小說,更要學英文!由譯者精選書中實用句型,看完簡明的解說後,別忘了小試身手,看看學到多少好用的句型。多學一點,您也可以用英文寫部落格、聊聊八卦!
  這就對了,把筆記本放下,慢慢、慢慢往後退……」──酷落客  P.S. 酷落客=超酷的部落客=The Blogtastic Blogger!
Rose Cooper

1. 英文小說2. 中文翻譯3. 句型整理

Monday 01Gossip from the Girls’ RoomKatie told Amber that Megan cheated on the big math test.Amber said the answers were written on Megan’s shoe!I couldn’t help but accidentally overhear gossip in the girls’ room today. Mia St. Claire and Alissa were talking (actually, they were whispering, so I had to overhear very carefully). They didn’t realize I was in the far left bathroom stall, the one at the very, very end. The reason they didn’t know I was in that very last stall, aside from me being super-discreet, is that NOBODY ever goes in there. On purpose. Ever since someone stunk up that stall really, horribly bad three months ago. And everyone knows that it’s still stink-haunted.The only reason I, Sofia Becker, used that Stink-Haunted Stall is because all of the other stalls were occupied and I really had no choice. It was either that or take the chance of being called Puddles the rest of my sixth-grade life. And possibly seventh.Mia St. Claire is only THE most popular girl in all of Middlebrooke Middle School, for three very obvious reasons:1. She’s very rich and annoyingly pretty.2. She has tons of money.3. She can buy any thing and everything she wants. And she does.I’m sure people like her for other reasons too, but none of those reasons are obvious enough for me to really know. Or care about, for that matter.Even though it’s only our first year of middle school, Mia transferred her popularity from elementary school. Who knew popularity was transferable? Apparently, so is non-popularity.But I have decided why Mia should be the most unpopular girl in all of Middlebrooke Middle School. For three very smart and intelligent reasons:1. She has so much money she probably blows her nose with it. How gross is that?2. I am way prettier than her. Even though nobody else thinks so. Except my BFF, Nona. And my parrot, Sam Sam. Even though I might have trained him to whistle at me and call me beautiful. Actually, I barely even remember teaching him that.3. Mia acts like being super-pretty and totally rich doesn’t matter or something. Everyone knows it’s just an act to rub our noses in her fantasticness.And really, what kind of a name is Mia St. Claire? “St.” is the abbreviation for street. And “Claire” is a girl’s first name. See what I mean? I think it’s just another way for her to be all show-offy about her tons of money. I bet her real last name is something non-richy-sounding and even totally boring. Like Snuffledorf or Gickerbob. Or Blah.But definitely not Becker.
