焦點英文文法完全練習(菊8K) | 被動收入的投資秘訣 - 2024年7月


作者:Lucy Becker Carol Frain Karen Thomas

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  每單元穿插FAQ文法常見疑難雜症,以輕鬆的問答形式,解答英語學習者常有的疑問,如為何可說「three coffees」、為何是「on the farm」而不是「in the farm」、為何是說「I was born」等,徹底辨析學習者常犯的文法錯誤。
  文法重點分階段講解後,立刻分別穿插習題,現學現用,文法自然學起來。每單元後另設計一回Round Up單元複習,內含約10大題的題目,加上每三單元後一回約八大題的Revision and Exams總複習,及一回含40題選擇題的Self Check自我測驗。豐富的練習題讓讀者越寫越上手,真正熟練文法。

Lucy Becker
  文法教學專家,教學對象含青少年與成人。興趣為教學商用與旅遊英語,合著有Business Essentials與Tourism Essentials(均由Helbling出版)。
Carol Frain
  曾任中學教師與教學培訓師,撰寫許多國際暢銷英語教材,合著有Business Essentials、Tourism Essentials、Top Grammar、Top Grammar Plus等書(均由Helbling出版)。
Karen Thomas
  曾任教學培訓師,擁有30年以上的英語教學經驗。撰寫許多小學、中學教材,合著有Top Grammar、Top Grammar Plus等書(均由Helbling出版)。

Unit 1  名詞和冠詞 Nouns and Articles 
1規則和不規則複數名詞 Regular and irregular plural nouns 
2可數名詞和不可數名詞 Countable and uncountable nouns 
3不定冠詞a/an The indefinite article a/an 
4定冠詞the The definite article the
Round Up 1
Unit 2  人稱代名詞和be動詞 Personal Pronouns and Verb Be 
1主格代名詞 Subject pronouns 
2be動詞 Verb be 
3There is / There are用法There is / There are 
4疑問詞 Question words 
Round Up 2
Round Up 1
Unit 3  形容詞 Adjectives 
1指示形容詞:this、that、these、those Demonstratives: this/that/these/those 
2some、any、no、none用法  Some/any/no/none 
3性狀形容詞/國籍形容詞/形容詞在句中位置的順序 Qualifying adjectives and adjectives of nationality; order of adjectives 
4數字和日期 Numbers and dates 
Round Up 3
Revision and Exams 1
Towards Competences / Self Check 1
Unit 4  動詞have和所有格 Verb Have and Possessives
1動詞have:肯定句 Verb have – positive form 
2動詞have:否定句和疑問句 Verb have – negative and interrogative forms 
3所有格形容詞/所有格代名詞 Possessive adjectives and pronouns 
4Whose疑問詞與所有格 Interrogative whose and the possessive case 
Round Up 4
Unit 5  祈使句/簡單現在式/頻率副詞/時間用語/受格代名詞/連接詞 Imperatives, Present Simple, Adverbs of Frequency, Time Expressions, Object Pronouns, Connectors
1祈使句 The imperative 
2簡單現在式 Present simple 
3頻率副詞/時間用語 Adverbs of frequency and expressions of time 
4受格代名詞/部分連接詞 Object pronouns and some conjunctions 
Round Up 5
Unit 6  動詞ing與現在進行式 V–ing Form and Present Continuous 
1動詞ing  V-ing form 
2現在進行式 Present continuous 
3現在進行式 vs. 簡單現在式 Present continuous vs. present simple 
4動詞ing與不定詞 V-ing and verbs + infinitive 
Round Up 6
Revision and Exams 2
Towards Competences / Self Check 2
Unit 7  介系詞 Prepositions 
1表達時間的介系詞 Prepositions of time 
2表達地點的介系詞 Prepositions of place 
3其他介系詞/有兩個受詞的動詞 Other prepositions; verbs with two objects 
4後接介系詞的形容詞與動詞 Adjectives and verbs followed by prepositions 
Round Up 7
Unit 8  簡單過去式和過去進行式 Past Simple and Past Continuous
1簡單過去式:be動詞 Verb be – past simple 
2簡單過去式:規則動詞和不規則動詞 Regular and irregular verbs – past simple 
3簡單過去式/時間用語與順序/used to的用法 Uses of the past simple, time expressions and time sequencing, used to... 
4過去進行式/以When與While構成的時間子句 Past continuous, time clauses with When/While 
Round Up 8
Unit 9  現在完成式和過去完成式 Present Perfect and Past Perfect
1簡單現在完成式:ever、never、recently、today等 Present perfect simple: ever, never, recently, today… 
2簡單現在完成式:just、already、yet等/現在完成式 vs. 簡單過去式 Present perfect simple: just, already, yet… ; present perfect vs. past simple 
3簡單現在完成式/現在完成進行式/How long問句/for與since用法 Present perfect simple and continuous; How long…?; for/since… 
4簡單過去完成式/過去完成進行式 Past perfect simple and continuous 
Round Up 9
Revision and Exams 3
Towards Competences / Self Check 3
Unit 10  副詞和量詞 Adverbs and Quantifiers
1情態副詞與其他副詞 Adverbs of manner and other adverbs 
2程度副詞 Adverbs of degree 
3表達大量的不定形容詞與代名詞 Indefinite adjectives and pronouns to express large quantities 
4表達少量的不定形容詞與代名詞 Indefinite adjectives and pronouns to express small quantities 
Round Up 10
Unit 11  各種比較程級 Comparisons
1比較級形容詞 Comparative adjectives 
2less +形容詞+than和not as+形容詞+as的比較級用法 Comparative structures using less … than and not as … as with adjectives 
3最高級形容詞 Superlative adjectives 
4副詞的比較級和最高級/修飾名詞數量和動詞程度的比較級 Comparative and superlative of adverbs, comparatives with nouns and verbs 
Round Up 11
Unit 12  形容詞和代名詞 Adjectives and Pronouns
1以some、any和no構成的不定代名詞 Indefinite pronouns made with some, any and no 
2分配形容詞與代名詞both、most、all、everybody、everything等 Distributive adjectives and pronouns; both, most, all; everybody, everything.
3相互代名詞each other與one another/相關連接詞both . . . and . . . 與either . . . or . . ./結合ever的複合單詞 Reciprocal pronouns: each other / one another; correlative conjunctions: both… and… / either… or…; compound words with –ever
4反身代名詞/one/ones用法  Reflexive pronouns; one, ones 
Round Up 12
Revision and Exams 4
Towards Competences / Self Check 4
Unit 13  表達能力、可能性與意願的情態助動詞 Modal Verbs to Express Ability, Possibility and Volition 
1情態助動詞的特性/情態助動詞can/could與表達相似概念的動詞 Characteristics of modal verbs; can/could and verbs that express similar concepts
2情態助動詞may/might  Modal verb may/might 
3情態助動詞will/would/動詞want和wish  Modal verb will/would; verbs want and wish 
4條件句:would like、would prefer、would rather  Conditional forms would like, would prefer, would rather 
Round Up 13
Unit 14  表達義務和必要性的情態助動詞 Modal Verbs to Express Obligation And Necessity
1情態助動詞must和動詞have to用法  Modal verb must and verb have to 
Need to / don’t need to / needn’t 用法/be to用法Need to / don’t need to / needn’t; be to . . . 
2Shall/should用法/ought to用法/had better用法 Shall/should; ought to; had better . . . 
3Be obliged/compelled/forced to/be due/be bound to/動詞owe用法
Be obliged/compelled/forced to; be due; be bound to; verb owe 
Round Up 14
Unit 15  未來式 The Future
1各種未來式/現在進行式與簡單現在式表達未來 Different types of future tenses; the future with the present continuous and the present simple 
2going to未來式 The future with going to
3will未來式 The future with will
4未來進行式/未來完成式 Future continuous; future perfect 
Round Up 15
Revision and Exams 5
Towards Competences / Self Check 5
Unit 16  條件句和if子句 Conditional Sentences and If– Clauses
1現在式和過去式的條件句 Present and past conditionals 
2第0類與第1類條件句 Type 0 and Type 1 conditional sentences 
3第2類與第3類條件句 Type 2 and Type 3 conditional sentences 
4在條件句運用情態助動詞 Use of modal verbs in conditional sentences 
Round Up 16
Unit 17  被動語態 Passive Forms
1現在式被動語態 The present passive 
2過去式被動語態 The past passive 
3未來式的被動語態/搭配情態助動詞的被動語態 The passive form in the future and with modal verbs 
4人稱與非人稱的被動語態/have/get something done用法  Personal and impersonal passive form; have/get something done
Round Up 17
Unit 18  關係子句 Relative Clauses
1限定關係子句裡的關係代名詞 Relative pronouns in defining relative clauses 
2非限定關係子句裡的關係代名詞 Relative pronouns in non-defining relative clauses 
3其他關係代名詞和副詞:what、all that、where、when等 Other relative pronouns and adverbs: what, all that, where, when… 
4以現在分詞或過去分詞所表達的關係子句/感官動詞 Relative clauses expressed by the present or past participle; verbs of perception 
Round Up 18
Revision and Exams 6
Towards Competences / Self Check 6
Unit 19  直接敘述句和轉述句 Direct Speech and Reported Speech19
1動詞say和tell的用法  Verbs say and tell 
2轉述句:下達命令、表達至今仍屬實的說辭 Indirect speech: giving orders and expressing statements in the present that are still true 
3轉述句:表達過去屬實的說辭 Indirect speech: statements that were true in the past 
4轉述句:問句 Reported speech: questions 
Round Up 19
Unit 20  連接子句 Connecting Clauses
1反義子句/讓步子句 Adversative and concessive clauses 
2原因子句/連續子句/目的子句 Reason, consecutive and purpose clauses 
3時間子句/順序副詞/建立論點的連接副詞 Time clauses; sequencing adverbs; linking words to build an argument 
4其他連接詞/使役動詞 Other conjunctions; causative verbs 
Round Up 20
Unit 21  語序/片語動詞/構詞方法 Word Order, Phrasal Verbs, Word Formation
1肯定句和否定句的語序/動詞和主詞的倒裝用法 Word order in positive and negative sentences; inversion of verb and subject 
2問句和簡答句/附加問句/So do I與Neither do I用法  Questions and short answers; question tags; So do I / Neither do I 
3構詞方法/字首和字尾 Word formation; prefixes and suffixes 
4片語動詞 Phrasal verbs 
Round Up 21
Revision and Exams 7
Towards Competences / Self Check 7
圖解文法Visual Grammar 
圖解文法答案Visual Grammar Answer 
Answer Keys

  ●每單元後設計一回Round Up單元複習,每三單元後一回約八大題的Revision and Exams總複習,及一回Self Check自我測驗,豐富的練習題讓讀者越寫越上手。
